Monday, September 14, 2015

The characteristics of poisonous frogs and the kind of America

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Forests, it does not only produce the kinds of beautiful plants, but also the kinds of fauna is very interesting to be maintained, including poisonous frogs are known to have exotic colors.

Frogs are small animals that live in watery places, swamps, fields, and lakes. Amphibians appropriate when it looked dirty and disgusting. But do not be surprised if you see a small frog from the tropical forests of Central America and South America it has the charm of a variety of colors and very interesting.

Complementary Weapons of War

The characteristics of poisonous frogs and the kind of America
This little frog is also known as poison frog or poison arrow frog. Why say that? Because, the animal's body is covered with poison. The poison in the interior United States, particularly by the American Indians of the Amazon and Colombia is widely used as fill dart or javelin (spear) as a weapon for hunting or fighting, so the frog is often touted as the poison dart frog and poison arrow frog.

Frog or toad loved by hobbyists in the United States, 65 species belonging to the family Dendrobatidae of about 175 species exist. Family Dendrobatidae not only frog that actually toxic and produce their own toxins in the skin, but also the rocket frogs (genus Colostethus which consists of approximately 110 species), and the frog that has a foul odor (skunk frog).

Family Dendrobatidae a tropical frog that has a relationship with the family Leptodactlidae, one of the large family of frogs America. Family Dendrobatidae also known as tree frogs (Hylidae family) looked at his fingertips. Although all of these frogs tend to have the dish on his fingertips, on Dendrobatidae each fingertip has two protruding parts, called scutes, a trait that can facilitate the hobbyists distinguish with other types.

Poisonous frogs are some of them very pretty with beautiful color combination covering his body, including red, yellow, green and even blue. Frogs are active during the day is often perform malicious activity and are in open areas and can be easily spotted by predators snakes, birds, and small mammals.

Frog rocket least mamiliki color, and toxins in the skin was less clear. Actually, it is a frog that has a very strong poison tend to have very bright colors.

Colors like it actually become 'alarm' for the predators that they are not pleasant to eat. The notification of color known as aposematic, scientifically and occur in several different types of animals, especially in the tropics. This causes poisonous frogs have few predators that could eat it. For example, if a snake bit him, then direct the snake will release him (spit out) and scales rub his lips on the ground while feeling really sick from poison frogs.
The characteristics of poisonous frogs and the kind of America
The existence of toxins in the skin scientifically to maintain their survival, and they can meet their food supply with active prey at any time. Males can set the region to attract female frogs. Male frogs typically lead in adult frogs group (eg Harlequin poison frog can live a long life of about 9 years), in particular to protect the eggs and occasionally tadpoles (tadpole).

Frog females of most species can spawn every winter or in other words every year, so that it can develop poisonous frog with a number of very amazing in suitable habitats. Some species can be maintained over the population in a few years when developed and can be "harvested" as pets.

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