Thursday, September 24, 2015


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At this time breeder chicken super / excel been free of disease if careful attention and mempraktekanya after reading read this blog, just tesisa problem cannibals, cannibals in question is how where chicken bites another chicken and this fatal cause of death, kalopun life would wound tolerable if we are not observant, be due to lack of feeding, but it is to cannibalism types of chicken is very high
Usually this cannibal in the back of the chicken, how to avoid it? :

  • Chicken can be cut lung (1 to 2 milli meters)
  • Reduce lighting the lamp because it may be too bright.
  • By giving cassava in small pieces - small.
  • By mengantung papaya (3hari sekalikarena when its frequency will result in hair loss) hanging kale, hanging plant leaf valve which essentially leaves vitamin, har most excellent is highly recommended because it can provide a good structure for chicken meat.

In exerting our delivery standards is the last option, because many value plus its course with regard peneranganya lighting or the use of lights. ... ok bro ga may already exist persolan again

If for cannibal victim must be separated and given a drug, many ps adjust the medicine or medicine tradisiolan

Then apasih the cause Cannibalism? bit penjelasanya as follows:

  • It could be the number of chickens in a cage that is too dense, it can lead to increased room temperature, so that the chickens will scramble to get a comfortable place. In looking for a comfortable place, a chicken will do the cannibalism (fight) to get such a comfortable place
  • It could also be due to different age because the uniformity of the age of cattle is very important, most of the more mature chickens will attack chickens younger, it is fatal if the current pematukan the eyes or other organs that cause disability.
  • The temperature of the enclosure, the enclosure temperature is too moist will cause birds to become stressed. This could lead to cannibalism because chickens trying to release body heat by finding a comfortable place, the ideal temperature is 330 c
  • Well this is a common by-word "save more money" kurangannya where food and can trigger cannibalism, because chickens would scramble to eat or drink. The nature of chickens will be vying for food. They will peck each other if a little feed.

In simple terms this probably all can we know what is the cause of cannibalism so tetep vigilant, carefully and continuously raising course

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