Saturday, December 19, 2015

Kangaroo Animal Totem

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Kangaroos or kangaroo is one of the mammals that have pouch (marsupial). Is relatively typical animal animals australia. The word kangaroo taken from aboriginal language that is gangguru.

Origin of name kangaroo has a unique story. On one day, the American origin of the English sailors landed in Australia. The sailor then see an animal that is very unique, marsupial. The sailor then ask questions on the aborigines, indigenous australia there.

Seamen ask the question, what animal is that? Answered, kang-ga-roo. Kanggaroo sailors assumed that the name of the animal. So they named the animal kanggaroo, Behold, the aboriginal people say, I do not know!
Kangaroo Animal Totem

Various species of kangaroos
There are three species of kangaroo, namely:
  • Red kangaroos, red kangaroo is the largest marsupial animal alive. If standing height can reach increasingly more 2 meter. Reach and weight 90 kg. Kangaroo this type generally move in large groups. They sleep during the day the weather was very hot. If there is no water, they can track the moisture from the green plants. They also can multiply only if there is no rain, and grow new crops.
  • Eastern gray kangaroo, eastern gray kangaroos can be found in the fertile australia east side.
  • Western gray kangaroos, western gray kangaroos can be found on the west side australia, australia south side which is close to the beach and river basin darling. Gray kangaroos very numerous. They live in the forests of eucalyptus that is open and in a grassy area. They eat grass.

Habitat Kangaroos
Kangaroos have two hind legs are very strong, large paw designed to jump. Regular kangaroo jump with two feet to a speed of 20-25 km / h. However, they can jump up to speed reaches 70 km / h. Kangaroo life expectancy of approximately 9-18 years. Although sometimes there are kangaroos that can survive up to 28 years ..

If we call this kangaroo animal must be identified with their home country, Australia. But did you know that these animals not only have our neighboring country australia. Indonesia also has a place where these animals live. Such as, the area where the marsupials that live at one with nature beautiful.

Until now there are approximately ten types of kangaroos in the Indo-Pacific locations. Half in Indonesia. Moreover, among them newly discovered type. Mbaiso tree kangaroo (dendrolagus mbaiso) is found at the location of the sub-alpine forest of Papua. Type the others are ornamental tree kangaroo (denrolagus goodfellowi), tree kangaroos ndomea (dendrolagus dorianus), tree kangaroos nemena (d. Ursinus), as well as tree kangaroos wakera (dendrolagus inustus). Form and type of animal is naturally not much difference. Just are not the same size. Kangaroos are marsupials strange animals and strange. Similar faced deer, way to step back foot jump and has a size greater than the 2nd front legs.

Population Kangaroos
The group is also used to live among the dense jungle and undergrowth. A form of tree kangaroo tail is rather long and round and hairy from the base to the tip of its tail, but form a more pointed snout of muzzle form kangaroo land. In the land of kangaroos 2nd front legs plus smaller than the hind legs, tail tapered at the ends and not hairy. Snout not too pointy and not hairy like the tree kangaroo. Then smaller claws. Perhaps this is in accordance with needs that do not need to hold on to branches.

Hamster Animal Totem

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Hamsters are mammals including rodents families who have a variety of species and almost in every country. Hamsters are often used as laboratory animals (due to their rapid reproduction) along with mice and other rodents.

The characteristics of a hamster is to have a body fat, short-tailed, bottom hamster white to gray and black, woolly with coat color that varies depending on the species of hamsters, there fur hamster solid color (one color) as black, gray, white, brown, yellow (gold), mocha, and some are colored striped (2 color) white as black, white, gray, and white chocolate.
Hamster Animal Totem

Most species have a hamster cheek pouch useful to bring food into burrows / nests they are to be stored or dumped. The word 'hamster' comes from the German word 'hamstern' which means 'hoard'.

Hamster coming from northern areas namely central Europe to Siberia, Mongolia and northern China to Korea, and also from the southern regions, namely from Syria to Pakistan.

They used to breed on the border of the desert, the dunes and at the foot of the mountain, lowland bush and rocky, in the valley the air stream, vast grasslands, and there are some also live in the fields planting.
Hamsters have a few species, such as hamsters Europe, Gansu, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Campbell, Kam, Armenia, Siberia (Russia), Korea, Ladak (Tibet), Mongolia, Roborovski, Romania, Sokolov, Syria (hamster gold), China, and Turkey.

The size of the hamster there are small and large depending on the type / species. For a small hamster or often called dwarf hamster (dwarf) has a body length of 5 cm to 10 cm, while the big hamster measuring 10 cm to 18 cm.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Pangolin Animal Facts

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You know the animals Pangolin? Yes maybe the animal is a little strange to hear, but there are also some people who have know about the life of the animal. Pangolin is one animal that is categorized as a unique animal because it has a characteristic that is different from other animals in general.

Actually, these animals are mammals of the family Manidae which are only a few or only some of which can be found in Indonesia. This is what makes animals Pangolin well as rare animals.
Pangolin Animal Facts

Actually, in the animal world itself is composed of eight pangolin species widely spread in Africa and Asia. Only the number of animals is not too much because the pattern of the breed are few and too many threats from outside that of humans.

Many animals Pangolin are hunted illegally for later resale to other countries as home decoration or other purposes. This makes the presence of these animals are threatened by extinction. Pangolin animals can be sold traded with a fairly even so high that many people are happy hunting.

The reason people want to get these animals because Pangolin has some unique facts of his life. Here the unique facts of the pangolin.

Tringgiling has a body size medium to large depending on how long the life of these animals survive. Almost like an animal porcupine, pangolin also have skin prickly however, only the measure is just different.

If animals hedgehogs have small size and sharp spines on different skin with Pangolin the size of spines on the skin that is greater and also not terlau sharp that people more often call like scaly. Pangolin scales on the skin of the animals closer together with each other so as to cover the entire section body. Weight pangolin scales capable of achieving up to 20% of their total body weight so that the animal is classified as a powerful animal.

In addition to the skin, other unique animals Pangolin is the shape and size of its tongue. Pangolin tongue has a size longer than the pangolin agency. because tongue this long, making pangolin is able to reach his food until at long distances even he can eat ants from the nest hole.

Every day, anteaters eat ants capable of up to 70 million ants. Pangolin actually have no teeth. Their meals using the gravel and thorns keratin to smooth the food that is in the stomach.

When the breed and give birth to a child, the mother anteater will take care to avoid enemies or other animals that prey on these children.

Pangolin baby will be taken by its parent put it on their backs. Besides it being the most distinctive characteristics of this scaly animals is their ability to fold themselves like roll to form a ball. It is they do when their lives are threatened by enemy or predators.

Alligator Snapping Turtle

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Turtle is a reptile zoo is pretty much kind with the ability to live too long. Animals running slow is generally close to human life, both as pets and wild animals were abandoned because there is no one type disturb. But turtle is a wild relative, the turtle named alligator Alligator Snapping Turtle latin.

Freshwater turtles are one size greatest. Some their kind ever weighed 113 kg when kept in an aquarium in Tennessee, USA. Chicago has also been discovered species of turtles with a weight of 107 kg. Even in 1937 have been found in Kansas, USA, and weigh up to 183 kg.Liar BeastsCompared with freshwater turtles, alligator turtle shape is very different. The real difference can be seen from the shape Shell unique shell or carapace.
Alligator Snapping Turtle
Alligator Turtle

Characterized by the shape of the carapace shell three rows of protrusions osteodermis similar to the shape of animals ancient. Turtle owned many turtles can carry camouflage with the environment through the shell shell-like brownish-green moss. These include turtle-eating animals of all kinds, though actually more like food or meat carnivores.

Supported by the behavior of the prey like a crocodile, it is not surprising when a turtle called turtle crocodile. Food provided will be eaten, either soft vegetables and carcass. As crocodiles, turtles are also able to kill other animals, such as snakes, animals, birds. Even turtles brave in fighting this crocodile. species really belongs to wild turtle, although a lot of people who love it as a pet.

Reflexes movement while preying crocodile-like, what he or she is also very fast. Moreover, it also has a tongue-shaped worms that can be extended, and is often used as a trap to catch fish in pool. ProtectedTortoises included in Macroclemys genus comprises three species that are found only in North America. But due to human hunt, turtle populations of rare and endangered species declared. In fact since 2006, CITES has set alligators turtle as a protected species and forbidden to be traded.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Ants Japan And Benefits

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Ants are small insects that much playing around on the ground, or looking for sweet foods. If the saying goes There's sugar, There were ants, hehe. This time I will discuss about the Japanese Ants ant not play around to find the sugar. Here is a glance of the Japanese Ant and benefits.

The characteristics of Japanese Ants
Japanese ant has a hard body that this is different from other ant species. These ants have wings but can not fly. Like reproduction and by living in groups, they are not animals cannibals. It is certainly different from other ant species.
Ants Japan And Benefits
Ants Japan

Japanese ant or beetle also called Mecca, when the Japanese language called by Ari, this means fidelity insects. If in Japan there are 200 species of ants Japan different. Here's a glimpse of Japanese ants that you may not know. It turns out these insects have great benefits for health, you are curious following explanation of the benefits of Japanese ants.

Nowadays many people who cultivate Japanese ants because today many in search of people because of the benefits and usefulness. Here are some health benefits to Japanese ants.

  • Useful For people who cholesterol level is high, this can make a normal level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Can cure or alleviate heart disease
  • Can reduce levels of uric acid in the body
  • To treat diabetes can control blood sugar becomes stable
  • Can make stable blood for patients with high blood pressure
  • Can Add vitality of men and women, and can put the body in good shape for people who are busy with work

This One possible that you might be wondering how to drink how ..? You can take Japanese ant with a lot of empty capsules in drug stores nearby. swatch Japanese ants that fit into the capsule and eat with food, for example, by using it in his banana bananas continue to be eaten, or you can directly swallow capsule that first you enter ant Japan. Besides bananas you can also use other foods to take the benefits and efficacy of ants Japan.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Recognize Solenodon, Poisonous Animals are Very Rare

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Solenodon a venomous species of mammals only one of the family Solenodontidae. They are nocturnal animals that live in burrows and eating insects. And they are mammals who have supposedly primitive character of these species already exist at the end of the dinosaur era.

Solenodon is one of two species of Caribbean soricomorphs family. It remains unclear whether the family Nesophontidae extinct during the Holocene has a close relationship with Solenodon or not.

There are two species of Solenodon still alive today is Cuban Solenodon (Solenodon cubanus), and Haitian Solenodon or Hispaniolan Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus). Solenodon other two species have gone extinct during the Quarternary.

Solenodon appearance resembles the figure of a very large mouse. Muzzle length is flexible, and the Haitian Solenodon there is a ball-and-socket joint at the bottom of them to improve mobility. This allows them to get narrow crevices where prey they usually hide.
Recognize Solenodon, Poisonous Animals are Very Rare

Solenodon body length of about 28 to 32 cm measured from tip of nose to rump. Solenodon weight of about 0.7 to 1 kg. This rare animals fairly easily agitated, so they are prone to bite even with very minimal interference and accidental.

Solenodon has some pretty interesting properties, two of which are nipples on females Solenodon position very close to the buttocks, and Solenodon saliva coming out of two turns poisonous fangs.

Symptoms resulting from exposure to toxins Solenodon among others depresei, labored breathing, convulsions, and paralysis. Even in a test using mice, when exposed to toxins Solenodon in large quantities can result in the rat experienced death.

Solenodon main food is insects, earthworms, and some invertebrate animals. They also feed on dead animals with backbones, and some are preying on vertebrate animals are still alive as small reptiles, and amphibians.

Solenodon have a good sense of smell that is used to locate prey. After finding prey, Solenodon will use both front legs to turn left-right move the prey, then move her head to prey on such prey. Solenodon also have sharp claws that will help in the hunt for prey.

Solenodon birth to her son in the hive. Usually in all their labor will give birth to one or two chicks. Solenodon puppies will be with its mother for approximately 7 months, and usually they will hang on the nipple of the mother long. And when fully grown, Solenodon are solitary animals, they are very rarely communicates with another except for mating.

Both species Solenodon currently in endangered status due to predation by raccoons, especially civet species Herpestes javanicus auropunctatus that in the colonial period were trained to hunt snakes and rodents such as cats and dogs ..

Cuban Solenodon once considered extinct, before in 2003 found the species they are still alive. Hispaniolan Solenodon also had declared extinct because their population is very small, and their behavior is still poorly understood.

Human development in Cuba and Hispanola also aggravate Solenodon population. Their habitat becomes deprived of the impact on narrowing of the spread, and reduced their population. The animals also became one of the very rare animal.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Monito del monte little mountain monkey

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Monito del monte / monkey small mountain is a small monkey that lived in South America (Chile and Argentina). Monito del Monte is the Spanish term for calling Little Monkey. But the name is deceiving. Monito del Monte is actually a marsupial that lives in Chile and Argentina. He is a mammal species considered extinct more than 11 million years ago. However, modern explorers discovered the creature.
Monito del monte little mountain monkey

This little monkey has a body like a mouse with brown fur and big, pointy ears and long tail. It distinguishing the animal was a big eye size and the fact that he lived in the trees of tropical forests. Then, a long tail that has help overcome can swing from tree branches. These animals are nocturnal and arboreal. They live in the bush bamboo Chilean Valdivian temperate rain forests of the southern Andes. Prehensile tail tree branches. These animals feed on insects, other small invertebrates and fruit. The body length is 11 to 12.5 cm. 9-10 cm long tail.

They make a nest like a ball of leaves that hold water in the tree. The leaves are then coated with moss or grass, and placed in protected areas. Nest is sometimes covered with moss shaped gray camouflage, and equipped with some protection from the cold, either when active or when it hibernates. They typically store fat at the base of the tail for winter hibernation.

Allegedly their ancestors from Australia. They immigrated in two continents are connected through the Antarctic in the early Cenozoic. Primitive animals such as mice that lived about 55 million years ago.

Monito del monte usually reproduce in the spring. Females have pseudovagina, and a fur-lined pouch. Monito del monte adult children remain with the mother after weaning. The age of sexual maturity they were after the age of 2 years.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Small Animal But Dangerous and Deadly For Humans

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Animals or animals that are harmful to humans may be caused by the attack, ketajam fangs, or poison injected through their stings. Although it is small, but these animals are quite dangerous for you. Maybe some of them are away from our environment. However, some are living around you. What are some of the animals in question? This seventh animals despite its small, yet very dangerous and deadly for you. Let's look together!

1. Africanized Bees
Small Animal But Dangerous and Deadly For Humans

Africanized Bees, in colloquially known as "killer bees", a few hybrid varieties of species of Western honey bee (Apis mellifera), originally produced by crossing from the African honey bee A. m. scutellata, with various European honey bees such as the Italian bee A. m. ligustica and Iberia bee A & M. liberiensis. In general, hybrid bees much more defensive than the various subspecies of Europe. A small herd of Africanized bees were able to take over the European honey bee hive to attack the nest and build their own queen after killing the queen bee of Europe. What makes bees lethal nature of their defense and a tendency to huddle. Moreover, they tend to follow the victim. Unmitigated even when it was far from the hive, the bees also still able to follow the victim. This aggressiveness when attacking ensure a death threat that is very painful for the victim.

2. Black Widow
Small Animal But Dangerous and Deadly For HumansLatrodectus mactans, or Black Widow Southern or just Black Widow, a species of spider that is venomous in the genus Latrodectus. Males and females have an hourglass-shaped mark under their bellies. Famous female species with distinctive black and red color that sometimes it will take her partner after reproduction. The species is native to North America. For healthy human venom is rarely fatal.
The poison is said to be stronger than a rattlesnake.

3. Tsetse fly
Small Animal But Dangerous and Deadly For Humans

Tsetse flies are large sized flies can bite from Africa who live on the blood of vertebrates. Tsetse include all species in the genus Glossina, which is usually classified in its own family, Glossinidae. They are known to cause disease in humans and Nagana Sleeping in cattle. Sleeping sickness is a parasitic disease in humans and animals caused by Trypanosoma, a protozoa transmitted by the tsetse fly. Sleeping sickness symptoms begin with fever and headache and swelling in the back of the neck. After that, the victim may experience sleep during the day and insomnia. Besides it can lead to death afterwards.

4. Lice

In general, lice feed on blood and attach themselves to other animals (including humans). They can be difficult to destroy and should be done with caution because fleas can leave part of their head which then can lead to serious infections. According to our observation in Wikipedia, hard ticks (hard ticks) can transmit human diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain fever, tularemia, equine encephalitis, Colorado tick fever, African Tick Bite Fever, and some forms of ehrlichiosis.

5. Army Ants
This ant species found in Africa and Asia and they build nests while on the go. The greatest risk to human ant is when they are swarming through the house. When food supplies are low, swarms of ants would gather in sizes up to 50 million ants. There are reports that the man is usually killed by making shortness of breath (the ants will often get into the lungs). Mandible them so strong that in some parts of Africa they are used individually as emergency sutures when medical supplies are not available. The army ants workers usually blind or may have a compound eye with a single lens. There are species of army ants where caste workers can show polymorphism based on different physical and allocation of work. However, there are also species that do not show polymorphism at all. Caste workers usually consist of sterile female worker ants.

6. Deathstalker
The Deathstalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus), is a species of scorpion, family members Buthidae. This is also known as the Israeli yellow scorpion, Palestine Yellow Scorpion. Omdurman scorpion, Israeli desert scorpion and a number of other colloquial names, which generally comes from commercial captive trade of the animal. To eliminate confusion, especially with potentially dangerous species, scientific name commonly used to refer to them. Quinquestriatus Leiurus name translated into English as "finely striped tail five". Other species of the genus Leiurus also often referred to as "deathstalkers". This is a very dangerous species of scorpion because its poison. The poison is actually a mixture of powerful neurotoxins. Although, the poison would not kill healthy adults, but can be fatal to children and the elderly. Ironically, the toxic component (peptide chlorotoxin) has the potential to cure human brain tumor while other toxins can help fight diabetes.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Komodo dragon (Varanus Komodoensis), Description and Facts

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Komodo dragon (Varanus Komodoensis) is a large lizard species found only in a few islands in the Indonesian archipelago. Was first known to the world in the First World War, the Komodo actually a species 'Monitor Lizard' which has grown on the island were isolated for millions of years, which has led to her developing very large. Komodo is not only the largest lizard in the world, but also one of the most aggressive and powerful that he was able to hunt prey that size is many times more than its size alone. However, the existence of dragons is now in danger of extinction due to loss of their natural habitat, poaching, and also a decline in the amount of their food.

Komodo is a large reptile that can grow up to three meters long and weigh 150kg. They are very strong with a stocky body, strong legs and a tail that is used for hunting and fighting. Komodo has long claws and sharp curve that is often used to dig the soil. Komodo also has a greyish brown bark that is covered with small scales and folds around the neck. Komodo has a head that is relatively small compared to the large body size and wide, powerful jaws that hides her mouth filled with the deadly bacteria. Although dragons have good eyesight, they do tend to rely on odor perceived through bercabangnya long tongue. By removing his tongue out, dragons are able to feel the scent particles in the air to find prey at a distance of up to 8 km. Komodo is known to have fifty types of toxic bacteria in saliva. Toxic saliva that is used as the main weapon dragons to hunt their prey. Toxic saliva that is produced by the venom glands are found in the mouths of dragons.
Komodo dragon (Varanus Komodoensis), Description and Facts

Komdo limited only found in five islands in Indonesia which are all included in the Komodo National Park. The five islands are Komodo, Rintja, Gillimontang, Padar and the western tip of Flores Island. In the five islands, the Komodo dragon is often seen in open forests with dry savanna, on the hillside thickets, and can also be found inhabiting a dry riverbed.

Komodo is a solitary predator (alone) is strong surf hinga area 2 km per day depending on size. They are also known as an excellent swimmer, traveling from one island to another with relative distance away. Although they are solitary animals, known to some dragons will often gather together. When hunting prey, dragons can secretly hiding for hours in the vegetation are well camouflaged by the skin of gray to wait for passing prey animals. Komodo then suddenly menyergapan prey with speed and incredible strength. The first attack dragons usually only hurt their prey with some bite. Buruanya usual prey will be able to escape. However, because in the mouth of dragons are very deadly bacteria, the prey animal will die within 24 hours.

When the breeding season comes (in September), jantah komodo dragons will do perkelahan with another male. The fight is done by standing on their hind legs and propped up by their tails, to win the right to breed with local females. After mating, the female Komodo lay up to 25 eggs in a hole he dug in the soft sand. The eggs will mentetas fter incubation period lasts between 8 and 9 months and they will be totally independent of when they left their shells. However, the pups will stay and spend most of his time on the tree until they are big enough to take care of themselves on the ground. Komodo tend to live for an average of 30 years in the wild.

Komodo dragons are carnivores that hunt down and kill large animals to survive in the surrounding natural habitat. Komodo dragons are capable of killing prey much larger than themselves ukuranya their own bodies. For larger prey, dragons usually ambush their prey and injure the body with bite that is filled with bacteria. Komodo then follow their prey for until she died of poisoning caused by the deadly bacteria from the mouth of the dragons. Large mammals that prey hunted dragons are wild boar, goats, deer and even horses and buffalo. In addition, the dragons also seen to prey on small animals in trees such as snakes, lizards and birds. Sharp and jagged dragons teeth and, therefore, they could not chew. Instead they rip their prey carcasses by pulling back into their mouth and then swallowed whole aided by their neck muscles flexible.

In fact, dragons are the most dominant predators in the habitat. Therefore adult dragons have no natural predators in their natural habitat. Komodo is an animal cannibals. Adult Komodo dragons will devour the smaller and vulnerable. To that end, the young dragons usually spends most of its time in trees to avoid the larger adult dragons. Komodo biggest threat comes from the loss of habitat due to human development that opened in the original habitat of the Komodo dragon land for settlements and agriculture. Komodo also threatened by volcanic activity on the island is still geologically active that can cause a decrease in their prey species, which in turn affects the dragon populations themselves.

Today, Komodo listed by the IUCN as endangered species. Though once widespread dragon populations on various islands in Indonesia, they are now limited only in five of Flores island with a population of between 3,000 and 5,000 head only. Komodo uniqueness makes it a tourist attraction in itself. It makes people who coexist with dragons trying to protect native habitat dragons where they still survive.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hippos, The Big Mouth are hooked Bath

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Hippopotamus is the term for mammal native to Africa that is easily recognizable thanks to body fat, large snout, short legs, his dark skin, and his habit of spending time with a soak in the water. Bathing habit is precisely what led to the hippopotamus has the English name "hippopotamus", said uptake of the Ancient Greek language, which means "river horse". But despite having frills name of the horse (hippo), hippos did not have a kinship with horses.

Hippopotamus is the largest land animals after elephants on the African continent. Its length reaches 5.4 m, while weighing up to 3.6 tonnes. By looking at her physical appearance is stout and short-legged, hippos seem to only be able to move slowly. But in fact, the hippo was able to run up to speeds of 30 km / h if necessary! Hippopotamus also has an aggressive behavior and did not hesitate to attack other animals that are nearby. Mouth and front teeth were large hippopotamus make any creature that is attacked by a hippo could suffer a severe injury. Behavior which then makes the animal as fierce crocodiles, lions do not even dare to look for problems with adult hippopotamus if not forced.
Hippos, The Big Mouth are hooked Bath

Bongsor bodied animals can be found in fresh waters, marshes scattered in central Africa, east, west. In the past, the hippopotamus is believed to have a wider distribution can be found in southern Africa and the Nile River to the north. Interestingly, although hippos spend most of its time in the water, hippos are not animals who could swim. Consequently, the hippopotamus was more like spending time by wading in the fast-flowing waters are calm and not too deep.

The main reason hippos spend most of its time in the water is so hippos can avoid the scorching heat during the day. As a further form of protection against the sun, glands in the skin of hippos produce a kind of slimy liquid that absorbs ultraviolet waves and inhibit the growth of bacteria on the skin. The liquid is colorless when first released by glands, but when exposed to sunlight the liquid turns red within minutes. That is why in the past, the liquid is known as the "sweat blood" (blood sweat).


Hippos are herbivores in which plants were the main food is grass growing around the waters in which they live. In the afternoon, hippos spend time with rest while bathing. When the sun goes down, then the hippo out of the water to eat. Hippopotamus also want to eat the carcasses of the animals, but it is rarely done by hippos because their digestive systems are less suited for digesting meat. If you need to clean yourself hippopotamus, hippopotamus will open a big mouth in the water so that the remnants of food stuck in the inside of the mouth of the hippopotamus could be eaten by small fish.

Hippopotamus display behavior that resembles a social animal. Some tail hippos that live in the same habitat will form the group consisting of 10-100 tail of a hippopotamus. The group usually consists of a male hippo as its leader and some tail female hippopotamus and her children. Not infrequently fight broke out between two tails male hippopotamus because the fight over the same area. But the battle between fellow male hippopotamus rarely led to fatal because when one of 1 hippopotamus successfully demonstrate the superior physical strength, the hippopotamus which one normally would relent and go away to another place.

Hippopotamus does not have a specific mating season, but the hippopotamus has kencederungan to breed more frequently during the rainy season. Hippopotamus who had just had sexual intercourse with males will enter a period of gestation for about 8 months. After that, the female will give birth in the water where the number of babies given birth normally only issued once a. Baby hippopotamus later life of its mother's milk until the age of 1 year. The age of sexual maturity in male hippos are 7-9 years old, while the female hippopotamus age of sexual maturity is 8-10 years. Male hippopotamus who have experienced sexual maturity will leave the group to live alone or form a new group.

As a result of its large size and aggressive behavior, hippos do not have a lot of enemies. On the other hand, aggressive behavior also makes hippos often killed by humans. Hippopotamus touted as one of the most deadly animals in Africa as a result of the many people who were killed by a hippopotamus. Along with the reduction of wildlife habitat and the development of human settlements, the friction between hippos and humans became more and more frequent. In addition to the safety factor, other reasons humans kill hippos is to take the skin, flesh, and fangs. By animal conservation organizations IUCN, hippopotamus population is now considered to be included in the category of "vulnerable".

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pari fish on animals that have venomous spines

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Do you know stingray ,? probably not familiar stingray following is a glimpse of stingrays that you may not know. Stingray is one of the cartilaginous fish, alike shark. They entered the suborder Myliobatoidei of Myliobatiformes, they consist of eight families: Plesiobatidae (stingray water inside), Hexatrygonidae (stingray sixgill), Urotrygonidae (light round), Urolophidae (stingarees), Dasyatidae (stingray whiptail), Gymnuridae ( ray butterfly), Potamotrygonidae (stingray river), and Myliobatidae (eagle rays).

Stingray spines are venomous stings that one or more of the tail, is used for self-defense. Stinger length can reach about 35 cm, the bottom has two fangs like grooves with venom glands. Stinger covered with a thin layer of skin where the toxins are concentrated, some members do not have a sting ray.
Pari fish on animals that have venomous spines
Fish Pari Picture

Stingrays live in coastal marine waters of tropical and subtropical throughout the world, and there are also species found in warm temperate seas, such as Dasyatis thetidis, and is found in the deep sea, as Plesiobatis daviesi.

This now stingrays are not endangered, but in some species such as D. colarensis, Taeniura meyeni, D. garouaensis, and D. laosensis), conservation status makes them vulnerable or endangered in the IUCN.

Agency stingray and the average is very fortunate for them because they are easily able to hide themselves from the environment. They stir the sand and hide underneath.

Stingrays have eyes on top and while his mouth is on the underside, with this then stingrays can not see their prey, instead they use smell and electroreceptors (ampullae of Lorenzini) which is similar to a shark. Food stingray particularly mollusks, crustaceans, and small fish. At the mouth of a stingray, there are two strong canine.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Know Your Green peafowl (Pavo muticus)

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Green peafowl (Pavo muticus) is one of three species of peacock bird. As with other types of birds found in parts Phasianidae, peacock green also has a beautiful coat. Feathers golden green.

Green Peacock scattered populations in open forests with grasslands People's Republic of China, Indochina, and Java, Indonesia. Previous peacock green are also found in India, Bangladesh, and Malaysia, but all three countries the population is extinct. Although very large, peacock green are a clever bird to fly. In the breeding season, the males dance in front of the tail feathers of peacocks females. Tail feathers cover is opened to form a fan with eye-shaped spots. Female birds incubate three to six eggs.
Know Your Green peafowl (Pavo muticus)

Physical Characteristics Green peafowl
  • Adult male birds are very large, to a length of 300 cm, with a very long tail cover.
  • At the top of the head of a male peacock green are erect crest.
  • Green peacock females are smaller than birds are male.
  • Peacock feathers female green less glossy, grayish green, decorated with feathers and without tail cover.

Peacock green feed consists of a variety of grains, grass shoots and leaves, a wide variety of insects, as well as various types of small animals eg spiders, worms, and small lizards. Often also called the peacock pretty hooked worms.

Red Fire Ants poison Deadly

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There are different types of fire ants, and they are found throughout the southeastern and southwestern United States. The most common type and aggressive is the red imported fire ant, which is reddish brown and measures a length of about 1/8 inch (about half the size of a pencil eraser).

Red imported fire ants live in colonies nesting on the ground first, and then make a mound above the nest. These mounds can grow up to 18 inches in height and more than 2 feet wide!
Red Fire Ants poison Deadly

Red imported fire ants 'nest' can be found in lawns, in parks, on playgrounds, in the fields, and in pastures. Some of red imported fire ants make their nests in the walls of the building.

Fire ant bites and cause most deaths among other ant species. About 20 deaths in the world of her shock causes us to feel like having burns, swelling sick and could die if there is an allergic reaction. Is found in Asia, America, Europe.

What a Fire Ant Sting Looks and Feels Like
Someone who gets stung by fire ants will feel a sharp pain and burning. Someone who stepped on a mound of fire ants will get plenty of sting in together at once because the ants have been disturbed where they all live together. Each sting will turn into white blisters itch for the next day.

What You Should Do
If you ever thought that you have been stung by fire ants, then you immediately tell an adult. That's because the toxins (poisons) in the sting of fire ants' stings can cause the area to swell quite a bit, and the doctor may want to look at to make sure you do not have an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction typically include hives (red patches on the skin that sting and itch), nausea, dizziness, a tight feeling in the throat, and difficulty breathing. If these symptoms occur, people need to get immediate medical attention.

But more often, you can follow the steps after a fire ant sting:

Wash the area with soap and water.
Apply some ice to the area.
Check with your doctor if you have redness, swelling, or itching.

What Doctors Will Do
A doctor may recommend medications called antihistamines to control swelling and itching. If you experience more severe allergic reaction to the sting of fire ants, he can give a shot against reaction. People who know they are allergic to fire ant stings also sometimes carry emergency medicine that they can give to themselves to prevent a severe reaction occurs.

How to Avoid Getting Bitten
The best way to avoid bitten by fire ants is to keep your shoes on when playing near fire ant mound. If you find one, do not ever poke at it or try to play with it.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Jellyfish Beautiful and Most Beautiful in the World

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Jellyfish are marine animals that ugly and dangerous, these animals are not also for eating. However there are a few species of jellyfish that looks very pretty and not the edits, this is a creation of god almighty. Want to know more clearly ?? Here are a few species of jellyfish are pretty and cool.

Jellyfish Beautiful and Most Beautiful in the World

Jellyfish is known by the name AEQUOREA VICTORIA also called jellyfish crystal (crystal jellyfish). These jellyfish can be encountered on the west coast of North America. Jellyfish is physically colorless and transparent tentacles nematocysts that are used to catch prey. Nematocysts and also has been used in research and science because there is a protein called with GFP.

GFP soon is one of the proteins that can form a neon green color blue found on the body Aequorea Victoria. GFP was also used by the scientists to create a rabbit that glows in black light.

Australian Box Jellyfish
Jellyfish Beautiful and Most Beautiful in the World
These jellyfish are most dangerous. Australian Box Jellyfish they have the shape of a cube, and also the jellyfish is not easy to see because his body is transparent and rapid movement. They goodness mutants and their eyeballs are on their stomachs. Australian Box Jellyfish are the most dangerous animal with nematocysts contained high concentrations. they can kill dozens of people, they also look very intimidating than other jellyfish in the world.

Bathykorus Bouilloni
Jellyfish Beautiful and Most Beautiful in the World
This is one species of jellyfish that lives at the North Pole. jellyfish species was only discovered a few years ago and a lot of people know about this. they are many who call with Dart Vader. Jellyfish tentacles, there are four primary and four secondary tentacles. At each quadrant has 3 pockets manubrial interradial, is used to hold the toxic tentacles towards the front. This is one method for capturing prey.

Costa Rican Jellyfish
Jellyfish Beautiful and Most Beautiful in the World
Costa Rican jellyfish Jellyfish have another designation Stauromedusae. Stauromedusae This is the term in accordance with the appearance of strange jellyfish have. Jellyfish body is trumpet-shaped, and is also unique from the jellyfish is that they have a change of phase polyp and medusa in its life cycle. In most species, sometimes directly and immediately developing into adults. Jellyfish can be encountered in Costa Rica that have very hot weather and with a depth of 8000 meters above sea level.

Flower Hat Jelly
Jellyfish Beautiful and Most Beautiful in the World
From fourth on top of this jellyfish Flower Hat Jelly rarest ie, they are in the waters of Brazil, Argentina, and Japan, this jellyfish has a small size of about 6 inches. Its uniqueness then this jellyfish is known as Formosa Olindias. jellyfish has amazing color is shades of purple and orange and they also have hats neon pink flowers on her head. The hat looks at when tentacles are not used, however these animals have a very painful sting but not to kill humans. They feed on small fish captured by injecting venom with his tentacles.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Black bear (Ursus Americanus) North America

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Black bear (Ursus Americanus) is one bear subspecies are found inhabiting a variety of forest habitats across North America. Black bear is a sub-species of bears with the highest population number even when compared with the number of sub-species of bear in the world. Black bear is also one of only two sub-species of bears that are not listed by the IUCN as endangered. Conservation effort goes well make the black bear population growth with a healthy walk.

Despite their name is the black bear, black bear hair color can vary from black to dark red or brown and even in certain areas, the color black bears could be light brown. Black bears have short, thick fur covering their bodies. They also have a pointed snout, small eyes and ears are larger and more pointed than their relatives that the brown bear. There are some striking differences between black bears and brown bears. Black bears have shoulders and legs and claws are shorter than the brown bear. Short legs and claws that they have made the black bears become much more agile climber than brown bears. So that when they meet, black bears can climb trees faster to avoid conflict with the brown bear. Like all other sub-species of bears, black bears have an excellent sense of smell that is used to detect food. Hearing and vision while black bears are underdeveloped, because ears and their eyes are relatively small.
Black bear (Ursus Americanus) North America
Black Bear

Black bears are solitary animals (live menyediri) and nocturnal (active at night). Black bears spend most of their time looking for food each day to ensure that they build sufficient fat reserves for the winter. When winter comes, black bears will go to nest, usually located under a tree hollow, where they will hibernate (winter sleep) for months. Time hibernating black bears varies. Black bears that live in the north have a longer hibernation up to 8 months. While the black bears that live in its South section has a relatively short period of hibernation.

Black bear male and female will meet for mating in summer. After a gestation period which lasts for about 7 months, a female black bear will give birth to between one and five children in late winter in the nest. Black bear cubs will stay with their female parent until they are nearly two years and have learned the skills they need to survive on their own. After quite mature and independent, black bear children will perform their own travel.

Although technically classified as carnivores, mostly black bears diet comes from plants. Between 75% and 95% of their diet is vegetarian (depending on the food available at different locations). Black bears usually eat fruits, nuts, grasses, roots and tubers. And to supplement their diet, black bears eat small animals such as insects and rodents. Black bears are also known to young deer hunting, eating carcasses and also be able to catch fish in the river. Black bears spend on average 12 hours a day to eat to build up fat reserves for the winter.

Black bears do not actually have the predators in their environment. However, black bears are common in conflict with grizzly bears alive are much more aggressive in some areas. Black bears often escape by climbing a tree to escape from the conflict with a grizzly bear. Black bear cub who is weak be hunted foxes, and bird meat eaters. Although black bears and humans tend to have a relatively peaceful relationship, they are often persecuted by farmers who fear their livestock being eaten by black bears. More black bear populations are threatened by poaching and loss of their natural habitat due to deforestation.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Turtle Red-eared slider

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Red-eared slider is also known as a turtle '' red-ear slider '' or in Latin '' Trachemys scripta elegans ''. This is due to the red color tinge right behind his eyes that resemble red ear. Red-eared slider comes from the southern United States, has a shell color mixture of green and yellow. Durability Red-eared slider turtle makes strong adaptable to any environment. Age turtles can reach the age of 20 years with a maximum length of about 30 cm. Red-eared slider breed by laying eggs. The amount varies between 20 and 45 grains depending on the fertility and weather. Red-eared sliders are usually laying around August to September before the rainy season. and for hatching takes about 3 weeks. After hatching Red-eared slider will soon find the water to grow up. Red-eared slider dark green with yellow stripes and have a red spot on each side of his head. These turtles can be easily distinguished by the lower jaw is more rounded than the type pseudemys more boxes. Hind toes are connected by a membrane like a duck because they are aquatic animals. to distinguish the sexes, males have longer claws on the front legs. while at the female cloaca closer to the shell than males.
Turtle Red-eared slider

Because Red-eared sliders are aquatic animals, therefore we need to put in the aquarium or pond that is comfortable and designed specifically to meet their needs. if we do not want to provide an outside, the aquarium is the best solution for the Red-eared slider. in addition, by using the aquarium, we could be easier to clean. Red-eared sliders are aquatic animals and they dispose of their waste into the water, so if we do not maintain a healthy aquarium or pond then it will become a hotbed for germs and bacteria, to the aquarium and pond should always be clean for the health of turtles hanging from the cleanliness of the aquarium or pond. if not using the filter, clean it every other day. for baby turtles, cleaned every day and do not use products that abresif. For aquarium size can be adjusted to the size and number of turtles owned. aquariumnya the bigger, the better for turtles, because the turtles are growing very fast in the first years. And the recommended water is about 3/4 of the length of the turtle. Of most turtle keepers recommend to use the filter tube 403. Fluval as Red-eared sliders are cold-blooded animals, so we have to keep the temperature stable between 20 ° C to 28 ° C by using the '' submersible heater '' or heating water in the form of a long tube containing coated wire. in addition, we need to provide a basking area for turtles, where turtles can be completely dry basking in sunlight or a special lamp reptiles, because in the wild, turtles will spend the time to bask under the sun. this is very important, because warmer temperatures can increase the body's immune turtles, and Red-eared slider requires UV light to be able to process food properly and absorb nutrients from food. to add a decoration on a pond or aquarium should be careful. for example, want to add rocks, must choose the type of rock that is not sharp because of sharp rocks can injure tortoise shell. then the addition of sand or plastic plant is not recommended, because there is a possibility turtles will eat and can cause serious intestinal complications.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Kiwi bird unique animal

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Kiwi bird is one of the species of birds that can not fly. Its body can grow to the size of a chicken, with a weight of 2-5 kg. Natural distribution area of ​​this bird species was limited only in New Zealand. This bird is found in three species, Apteryx australis contained in the three main islands of New Zealand. While Apteryx oweni and Apteryx haasti only found in the South Island alone. Bird is said to live for 20 years this is a bird that is faithful to their partner. Strangely only the females more dominant in the marriage arrangement like this model turned out to be very special and fair. It is very rare even in the world of birds and many privileges of bird kiwi bird is compared with Pets another, How come? The key to the division of tasks. During breeding the female energy will largely be spent to remove the eggs. Although only 1-2 eggs, egg size Kiwi bird unusually large. In addition to its size, the weight of this egg is astonishing, can weigh up to 25% by weight of the parent body! Compared to relatives, ostrich eggs only 2% of the body weight of the mother, and the weight of a human baby is approximately only 5% of the weight of the mother and the egg is incubated about 75 days - 80 days. Therefore, the rest of the work done by the males, including smoothing affairs nest, lay eggs, to accompany the child feeding after eggs hatch. Great right? Kiwi bird's nostrils are almost at the end of the beak, no tail and wings are very small, because the circumstances are very small wings that kiwi bird can not fly. Slim and sharp beak which is in line with the food that is small animals such as worms and other animals. Kiwi bird's nostrils are almost at the end of its beak.
Kiwi bird unique animal
Kiwi bird unique animal

Kiwi bird is nocturnal bird whose life is out and looking for food at night. Kiwi is looking for food at night. That's what makes the kiwi rarely seen by humans. in addition, the kiwi also includes shy birds. To take food from the soil, kiwi bird used to use their long beaks and sharp. Uniquely, the tip of the beak there is a sense penyecap food. His love of food is earthworms, soil insects, fruit bushes, and small animals that smell. kiwi usually live in holes large tree roots. Breeding season is the time to make the territory. Territory size is determined by the extent to which the male voice cries could still be heard. The breadth varies, from only 2 hectares to more than 100 hectares. These birds have only one partner during their lifetime. Unlike other birds outside of New Zealand, who lives with mammals, birds of New Zealand issued a pungent odor while producing wax to protect their feathers. While sleeping kiwi fond folded and head into the half, then cover it with feathers. If the enemy visit, kiwi will save themselves by running.

Currently the kiwi species including a rare animal, then by maketh it as an icon of the State will encourage many conservation efforts and protection for the survival of kiwi from extinction. It turns kiwi bird can only live in the dark. If they are exposed to sunlight, then they will be sick and old can cause death. Kiwi smelled like mushrooms or ammonia. This is what could be causing the species is now threatened with extinction.

Redline Pipefish ornamental fish cute

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Redline freshwater fish Pipefish look like a sea horse straight bodied with a small mouth. Pipefish name is derived from their snout strange shape, like a long tube, ending in a narrow and small mouth that opens upward and toothless. Body and long tail, thin, like a snake. They have a skeleton modified as formed into a thin plate.

Redline Pipefish ornamental fish cute
Redline Pipefish ornamental fish cute
There his back fin and gill cover openings placed near the posterior angle. Redline pipefish swim very slowly over the surface of the water, moving slowly drifting like a twig, but if there is interference, he could move quickly.

This fish is very loyal to her partner (monogamy), females only spawn duties only, and male-containing (males have a pouch for storing eggs). In addition to containing, stud duties caring for children until ready to be independent.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Sudan, northern white rhinoceros

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Sudan is the name of northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) male left in the world. When it dies, it can be ascertained, northern white rhinoceros also extinct. Only one-horned animal in the world to be the last hope in an effort to preserve their species from extinction. Therefore, do not be surprised if the 43-year-old rhino is now guarded 24 hours. The armed rangers risking their lives in the nature reserve Ol Pojeta, Kenya, Sudan to protect the horn must be cut for the sake of safety, so as not to become a target for hunters.

Sudan was transferred from the zoo Czech Republic in 2009 to Ol Pojeta that has specialized for rhino conservation. The nature reserve was chosen because it has been a success with the black rhino breeding program. White rhino conservation project received a major blow, when a rhinoceros other males died last October 2014. Thus making Sudan became the only hope left. Age was 43 years, adding to worries though a rhinoceros live to the age of 50 years. Displacement Sudan initially expected to push for the breed, but all attempts have so far failed to make Sudan fertilize two females in Ol Pojeta.
Sudan, northern white rhinoceros
White rhino

Further complicated by the disruption of security and stability in Kenya, by acts of terror from militant groups such as Al-Shabaab. The group massacred 150 students in an attack in Kenya, in early April. The price of ivory has now increased to more than £ 40,000, or about Rp767 million per kilo. Especially for white rhino rhino horn only one in the world such as Sudan, the price can be much more expensive.

The current situation is very sad, considering that in the past this species can move freely on the African continent, from southern Chad, the Congo to Sudan. According to data from the WWF, half a century ago still exist 2,000 white rhinos, but in 1984 only 15 of which are located in the tail of the Congo. When the experts managed to avoid extinction. They can breed white rhinos to be more than 30 tigers in less than 10 years. But the increased poaching of rhinos in the nature reserve and is lost entirely.

Hopes resurfaced when it was discovered a white rhino in 2006. Efforts to breed back the white rhino has so far not succeeded. Efforts to maintain Sudan was very difficult. A total of 40 ranger in charge of maintaining the safety of Sudan, at a cost of £ 75,000 or USD 1.4 billion for the six months.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fact Dodo Birds, Exotic Creatures of the island of Mauritius

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Dodo bird is a big bird berhabitat on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean that could not fly and become extinct.
Dodo Bird
Dodo Bird

Before certainly extinct, the bird is covered with many myths, until finally Harry Higginson and George Clark found the Dodo bird fossil in 1865.

Facts about the Dodo Bird

»The Latin name first given by Carl Linnaeus in these birds is 'Didius ineptus' which means 'dodo incompetent (can not fly)'.

However, this time the scientists prefer to call it 'Raphus cucullatus'.

»The main Predator is the Dodo bird Dutch sailors (and animals brought with them) who stopped by on his way to the Indonesian archipelago.

Dodo hunted by sailors and the first settlers on the island. Although meat Dodo described textured hard, it did not stop the explorers prey on this bird for food.

Dutch sailors nicknamed Dodo as 'valghvogel' which translates to 'disgusting bird' because of the bad taste of the meat.

»Character Dodo in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland inspired by Dodo skeleton stored in the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

Contrary to popular myth associated with this bird, author Alice, Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Dodgson), described this bird as being wise.

Some people believe that the character of the Dodo in Alice books is a metaphor for the writer's own.

»After going through a DNA test of the remaining soft tissue, proved that the dodo is a close relative of the Nicobar pigeon.

Interestingly enough, when Johannes Theodor Reinhardt, a zoologist, put forward the theory that Dodo is a kind of pigeon land, he got a lot of criticism from his colleagues.

»Some of the Dodo bird life ever sent to Europe to be displayed to the public.

Live specimens used as a model because at that time the camera has not been found.

»Tree tambalacoque or dodo tree (Sideroxylon grandiflorum) has been erroneously attributed to the extinction of this bird.

Previously believed that the seeds of this tree have to pass through the digestive tract Dodo in order to germinate.