Sunday, September 27, 2015

There Vampire squid in the Deep Sea, Vacuum Blood

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There Vampire squid in the Deep Sea, Vacuum BloodNo deep-sea squid species called vampire squid. Scientists have long wanted to know how the animals that live in these dark waters to reproduce. It turned out very different from the squid generally.

If the squid generally lay one time, squid vampire named latin Vampyroteuthis infernalis this fact can lay eggs up to more than 100 times. That the results of a study published in the journal Current Biology.

This difference is expected as a result of low-energy lifestyle in the waters in an almost unattainable light.

According to Henk-Jan Hoving from the Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, possibility vampire squid do not have enough energy to spawn all their eggs at once.

The transparent bodied animals living in the deep ocean and did not live long in the shelter, so it is difficult for scientists to record behavior.

When the vampire squid Hoving study collection at the Museum of Natural History Santa Barbara, he found something unusual. Squid generally spawn once a lifetime. But the female vampire squid apparently had oocytes survive to produce more eggs.

Furthermore, Hoving rate it has to do with the age of the vampire squid he calls longer than usual squid. This is because their habitat make this squid has a phase of life is slower, because it does not require a high metabolism, and do not need high-calorie foods.

But little is known of the animal this one. As in the animal kingdom itself, there are still many species that have not been revealed.

Since 2006, according to the Christian Science Monitor notes, there are 18 thousand new species discovered. It is estimated that there are 10 million other species unknown outside.

Not BloodsuckerVampire squid gets its name from the shape of the 'terrible'. The color is dark, membrane like a cape in the tentacles, and his eyes were red, makes it called "Vampire Squid from Hell".

But this is not the squid bloodsucking animals such as vampires.

In taxonomy, it belongs to a different order of squid shallow waters, which is of the order Vampyromorphida. This squid including phylogenetic relic because it is the only species left of the order.

In 1903, the vampire squid was originally classified as an octopus by German scientists. But then he put in order Vampyromorphida, which has several species but extinct.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Why Snails Running Slow and Removing Liquid

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SNAIL - certainly is not foreign to our ears, the majority of people that came to mind was the slowest animal in the world. This is sometimes a slow nets, others are often called the slug. But you know why the snail running very slowly? How does a snail's pace when walking? and why did he discharge when running ?? rather than confused, we just consider the following explanation.

Snail is slow due to the different legs of the human foot and other animals. Her legs is actually an organ that consists of muscles. The shape is flat, elongated, and located at the very bottom of its body.
Fluid is expelled snail slime. Mucus comes from glands in the body, it serves slime lubricate and moisturize the feet so that he could easily walk. Mucus also protects the body from injury by sharp objects. Understandably, snails sometimes walking on tree branches are sharp and can be perched on the blade.
Why Snails Running Slow and Removing Liquid
Based on research, snails only have a maximum speed of 0.03 miles per hour. Assuming, 1 mile is equal to 1.609344 km, meaning a snail is only able to walk up to the extent of 1.34 cm in 1 minute. This record makes the snails as the slowest animal in the world. While the second slowest animal strapped to a giant tortoise with a speed of 0.13 to 0.30 miles per hour.

With the speed of it, the snail becomes very easy to catch since prehistoric times. Snails belong to the soft animals (molluscs) of the class Gastropoda which means running with the stomach. Slugs or snails are animals that originated in East Africa. Although running very slow, snails are very easy to breed. As a result, snail spread to all regions of the world.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Know the Jaguar, Cat strongest in the Americas

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Jaguar is one of the big cats (Panthera) that still exist today. Its appearance is similar to a leopard, but Jaguar is a different species, because the leopard is the species Panthera pardus, while Jaguar is a species of Panthera Onca.
Know the Jaguar, Cat strongest in the Americas

Jaguar is the only Panthera species found in the Americas. They are the third largest cat species after the tiger and lion. And is the largest in the Western Hemisphere.

Jaguar deployment includes the southern US and Mexico, most of the Americas and Central and Southern parts of Paraguay and Argentina to the northern part. But Jaguar is estimated to have gone extinct in the United States since the beginning of the 20th century.

Leopard pattern on their bodies is very similar to a leopard, but Jaguar tend to be larger, and also have characteristics more similar to a tiger. The most preferred habitat of a jaguar is the dense rain forest areas (dense rainforest).

Jaguars are solitary animals (solitary). They will wander off alone except for a female jaguar who care for their children. They are the pinnacle of the food chain in their territory. So that they play an important role in maintaining the forest ecosystem to ensure the availability of game animals.

Jaguar has a dependency with water that is strong enough, so they tend to stay in areas close to the river flow. They also include a large cat who likes to swim.

Jaguar has a very strong bite. The strength of the bite can penetrate layers of tortoise shell and allows it to kill its prey with an unusual method. They will bite and crush the skull prey and give a fatal brain injury prey.

Jaguar populations are currently in endangered status. The amount continues to decline. This is mainly due to the narrowing of their habitat which impact on food shortages. They also are often killed by humans, mainly due to a conflict with farmers in South America. However, although the number has declined, its spread is quite wide, it is estimated that the amount is still quite a lot in the wild.

Just as an aside, Jaguar is a symbol of the god of the Mayans. And they are the strongest stray cat in the Americas.

Animals Hyena Turns Ever Human Prey

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Human hair has been found in hyena poo showing that these animals never takes ancestors in Africa about 250,000 years over lalu.Rambut found in a fossil found in the Sterkfontein Valley caves Gladysvale in South Africa. Researchers from the University of Witwatersrand believe that hyenas actively hunted carcass our ancestors or scavenged dead bodies. Another hair shows that hyenas share their environment with warthogs, zebra, impala and kudu, as well as hominins.
Animals Hyena Turns Ever Human Prey

Human hair has been identified in fossil hyena poo on a finding that suggests that our ancestors had also fallen prey to this wild animal.

The fossil was discovered a few years ago in a cave Gladysvale in South Africa, but only -new has been analyzed by the scientists who identified the hair.

African researchers believe that hyenas actively also consuming our ancestors who lived around 257,000 years ago or scavenged some of the bodies and swallow the hair.

But according to reports Discoveru News, they do not rule out that the animal is only a tasting snack human hair found somewhere.

According to researchers at the University of Witwatersrand, dung fossils are part of a "hyena latrine" found in a cave in South Africa Sterkfontein Valley.

Gladysvale is a cave complex systems consisting of several basement reached the depth of about 65 meters.

Phillip Taru and Lucinda Backwell, author of the study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science, said that the brown hyena explore savanna grasslands as they do today.

Another hair indicate that these animals share their environment with warthogs, zebra, impala and kudu, as well as hominin ancestors or tribes in Africa. The scientists focused on the examination pattern of scale and cross-section of hair to identify fossil hair.

The researchers said: "The lack of hair scales have been documented in human hair subject to pathology.

They even suggested that our ancestors had a lot of hair damaged by abrasion due to inhabit crevices of rocks that could reduce the number of scales were found in the hair.
Animals Hyena Turns Ever Human Prey

A total of 48 hairs were taken from 12 fossil using fine tweezers and examined using a scanning electron microscope.

They identified the origin of the hair using standard guidelines and compared with a sample collection of 15 mammal of southern Africa.

These findings support earlier identification of fossils of human hair and gives scientists a better picture of the Middle Pleistocene mammals local communities, as well as insight into the environment in which humans appear archaic and modern humans who live in the interior of the African continent.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Video: Sea Horse Male Birth Baby Hundreds Simultaneously

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Sea horse is a unique animal. Not only because of its shape alone. Seahorses do not have the teeth and stomach, monogamy, and the charge of giving birth is a male sea horse.
Video: Sea Horse Male Birth Baby Hundreds Simultaneously

The male has a belly pouch. When mating, the female sea horse put up to 1500 eggs into the pouch. The process of fertilization occurs internally. The inner lining of the stomach pouch filled with blood vessels, and sea horses male fertilizes the eggs become embryos.
The male containing eggs for 9-45 days, until the embryo develops into a baby seahorse the size is still very small. Then, the babies are born in the water. Can be seen in the video, how the male sea horse as if sprayed hundreds of babies out of the stomach pouch, average number of babies born between 100 and 1000.
After delivery, the role of the male sea horse has been completed. In fact, sea horses often directly remarried within a few hours or days in the breeding season.

The video was filmed at The Deep, public aquariums and research facilities in Hull, England. The Deep help couples sea horses to breed. To that end, the couple dittempatkan sea horses in the quarantine tank. After the babies were born, they moved to a better facility.

Many sea horses, as shown in this video, including the categories of animals which are vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. The population continued to decline to 20% in the last 10 years. This is due to habitat destruction, pollution, and illegal trade to be used as a traditional medicine in Asia.



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At this time breeder chicken super / excel been free of disease if careful attention and mempraktekanya after reading read this blog, just tesisa problem cannibals, cannibals in question is how where chicken bites another chicken and this fatal cause of death, kalopun life would wound tolerable if we are not observant, be due to lack of feeding, but it is to cannibalism types of chicken is very high
Usually this cannibal in the back of the chicken, how to avoid it? :

  • Chicken can be cut lung (1 to 2 milli meters)
  • Reduce lighting the lamp because it may be too bright.
  • By giving cassava in small pieces - small.
  • By mengantung papaya (3hari sekalikarena when its frequency will result in hair loss) hanging kale, hanging plant leaf valve which essentially leaves vitamin, har most excellent is highly recommended because it can provide a good structure for chicken meat.

In exerting our delivery standards is the last option, because many value plus its course with regard peneranganya lighting or the use of lights. ... ok bro ga may already exist persolan again

If for cannibal victim must be separated and given a drug, many ps adjust the medicine or medicine tradisiolan

Then apasih the cause Cannibalism? bit penjelasanya as follows:

  • It could be the number of chickens in a cage that is too dense, it can lead to increased room temperature, so that the chickens will scramble to get a comfortable place. In looking for a comfortable place, a chicken will do the cannibalism (fight) to get such a comfortable place
  • It could also be due to different age because the uniformity of the age of cattle is very important, most of the more mature chickens will attack chickens younger, it is fatal if the current pematukan the eyes or other organs that cause disability.
  • The temperature of the enclosure, the enclosure temperature is too moist will cause birds to become stressed. This could lead to cannibalism because chickens trying to release body heat by finding a comfortable place, the ideal temperature is 330 c
  • Well this is a common by-word "save more money" kurangannya where food and can trigger cannibalism, because chickens would scramble to eat or drink. The nature of chickens will be vying for food. They will peck each other if a little feed.

In simple terms this probably all can we know what is the cause of cannibalism so tetep vigilant, carefully and continuously raising course

Recognize characteristics Pregnant Rabbits

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Recognize characteristics Pregnant RabbitsRabbits are animals with a remarkable reproducibility. Janganka time in a year, a female can give birth to children rabbit five times. In a time period contains, rabbits can contain more than one baby because the uterus or womb more than one and allows for the occurrence of multiple impregnations. One doe able to produce 5 to 15 baby rabbits. For breeders, of course it is very profitable. Rabbits that are pregnant require serious attention so that he bladder healthy baby. But not everyone can recognize the rabbits were pregnant. If you're raising rabbits, it could not hurt to understand the characteristics of pregnant rabbits. Who knows tomorrow you are interested in to make your family's rabbits economic crutch.

Pregnancy Rabbits

After you mating male and female rabbits for 7 days, usually the fetus in the womb of the females begin to grow. But pregnancy within 7 days can not be detected because the characteristics unclear. Only in the age of day 14, the characteristics of pregnant rabbits can be detected. The characteristics of pregnant rabbits were intended is as follows:

  • Rabbits who are pregnant no longer willing to be mated with male rabbits and even some females tend to be fierce in male rabbits.
  • In the mouth looks rosy
  • The female easily become stressed and even to undermine its own cage. Usually, if released in the wild, he will be digging the ground. Some farmers have given sometimes at the gestational age of 17 days but actually it is not necessary. You can put it in the box at gestational age above the 25th day.
  • Rabbits that are pregnant will always feel hungry so it appears that increased their consumption patterns. You must be vigilant and make sure he does not lack of food. For if he usually rabbit food shortages will be more stressed and become cannibals. Shortages of feed and beverages also will make the milk quality is not optimal.
  • Gestation stepping on the 17th day, you can already feel the belly of the female. Her belly is already showing signs of the baby.
  • When he was aged 23 days to 29 days, the mother began to appear frequently upset and nose appear more red. Meanwhile abdomen without palpable will look bloated.
  • Rabbits usually give birth at the age of 28 to 34 days. In this period he will look very uneasy. Tuga make sure you are comfortable cage for he occupied bear his children.
  • Rabbits are about to give birth normally bristles will experience loss.

What Should You Do?
After understanding the characteristics of pregnant rabbits, you certainly need some action. For, just as Manusa, rabbits who are pregnant also require special perlakuna. In addition to food, you also need to meet the needs of its cage. Make sure he gets the best as a base enclosure where she put her baby. Most pregnant rabbit rabbit breeders give them with a box or a box with soft pad for the baby. Another thing that you should look at is the age ke35 to 34 days, you should reduce your intensity mengengok the mother rabbit. For he is undergoing a phase where it is easy to feel stressed and consider you as a threat. After she gave birth too, preferably in the first two weeks you limit yourself to connect with rabbit. Just make sure the food and drink are met.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Cone snail venom

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Hundreds of toxins
There are about 500-600 species of cone snails. Everything is toxic. Well, the cone snail can have about 200 types of toxins. So, imagine if all kinds of toxins from cone snail species put together. Thus, it can be collected tens of thousands of types of poison!
Cone snail venom
Cone snail venom

The most toxic
Among the species of cone snails, one of the most toxic. He is the geographic cone snail. Conus geographus scientific name. Oops preferably, do not go near the geographic cone snail is, deh!
Toxic harpoon
Cone snail venom lies in organ-like harpoons. The harpoon fishing gear like a shot arrow. Well, when it was ready to attack its prey, venomous cone snails harpoon issuing from his mouth. Install a blink of the helpless, and the direct cone snails devoured round!

Human victims
Cone snail venom is not only deadly to animals, such as fish. Toxins that also claimed the lives of humans. There are already dozens of human casualties as a result of toxins that are super dangerous. Until now, there has been no cone snail venom antidote!

The most toxic
Among the species of cone snails, one of the most toxic. He is the geographic cone snail. Conus geographus scientific name. Oops preferably, do not go near the geographic cone snail is, deh!

Toxic harpoon
Cone snail venom lies in organ-like harpoons. The harpoon fishing gear like a shot arrow. Well, when it was ready to attack its prey, venomous cone snails harpoon issuing from his mouth. Install a blink of the helpless, and the direct cone snails devoured round!

Human victims
Cone snail venom is not only deadly to animals, such as fish. Toxins that also claimed the lives of humans. There are already dozens of human casualties as a result of toxins that are super dangerous. Until now, there has been no cone snail venom antidote!

Used as medicine
Although deadly, cone snail venom turns out useful to humans. The venom contains proteins that can be used as painkillers. Painkillers from poison it 10,000 times more potent than the painkillers of chemicals.

kind of scorpion venom that is dangerous and lethal

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The scorpion is one of arthropods or eight-legged animal, the scorpion into the classroom Arachida and belong to the order Scorpiones.

Death stalker scorpions, Leiurus quinquestriatus
Death stalker scorpions, Leiurus quinquestriatus
Please note that all species of scorpion can have. In general, it can be included as a scorpion neurotoxin. An exception is Hemiscorpius lepturus which could have cytotoxic.

The composition of the neurotoxin consists of a small protein, as well as sodium and potassium, which is useful to interrupt the transmission of neuro victim. Scorpions use venom to kill or paralyze their prey so easy to eat.

More scorpions can function against other arthropod and most scorpions are not dangerous to humans. stings produce local effects (such as pain, swelling). However, some species of scorpions, particularly in the family Buthidae can be harmful to humans.

One of the most dangerous is Leiurus quinquestriatus, and members of the genera Parabuthus, Tityus, Centruroides, and especially Androctonus. Scorpions are most likely to cause the death of human beings is Androctonus australis.

Ancient scorpion emerged in the mid-Paleozoic period, about 400 million years ago. Unlike the scorpion in general, simpler forms of ancient scorpions. His body consists of many segments sheltered thin shells.

Another difference is the size of her body, several types of ancient scorpion that reached 100 times the size kalajenking today, 2 to 3 meters. In addition, the ancient kalajenking also live in the water.

Below are a few types of scorpions are quite harmless to her. some of which nothing can deprive human life.

Death stalker scorpions, Leiurus quinquestriatus
Type: Terrestrial, Opportunistic Burrower
Origin: Middle East and North Africa
Size: 10-13 cm
Temperament: aggressive

Deathstalker is known as a species that has the most deadly poison venom is a mixture of various toxins so powerful neurotoxin that can cause pain that is unbearable, then fever, followed by coma, convulsions, paralysis and death.

Fortunately, for a healthy adult human, although painful, but can not kill. Small children, the elderly and infirm individuals (eg weak heart) are at high risk groups will be death if this scorpion sting.

Arabian Fat-tailed scorpion scorpion, Androctonus crassicauda
Type: Terrestrial dessert
Origin: Middle East and North Africa
Size: About 10 cm
Temperament: Not too aggressive

Fat-tailed scorpion or Androctonus is one of the most poisonous scorpion species in the world. name aj "Androctonus" which means man-killer. Among all species Androctonus perhaps the most danger is Arabian Fat-tailed Scorpion, the poison he had could rival Deathstalker poison.

Toxins that this species had also consists of neurotoxin. This species jwb responsible for the deaths of several people each year. While this is still being debated who is the most deadly scorpions, whether Deathstalker or Arabian Fat-tailed

Yellow Fat-tailed scorpion scorpion, Androctonus australis

Type: Terrestrial
Origin: Middle East, North Africa, India
Size: More than 9 cm
Temperament: Sometimes aggressive, sometimes calm

In accordance with its type is the type of "Androctonus", yellow-tailed fat is a type of very deadly, although it is not as strong poison Arabian Deathstalker or fat-tailed, fat-tailed yellow poison can kill a person within 2 hours, if not immediately given the serum. Getting the serum is also not too easy, even in the United States alone in the serum is very difficult to obtain.

Spitting Thicktail scorpion Black Scorpion, Parabuthus transvaalicus
Type: Opportunistic Burrower
Origin: Africa
Size: About 12 cm
Temperament: Moderately aggressive

Why this kind of earned the nickname Black Spitting Thicktail Scorpion? This is because they can shoot them as well as cobra venom. poison that they can be sprayed up to within 1 meter, and when exposed to the eye can cause a feeling very sore and temporary blindness, but it can become permanent blindness if toxins are not immediately cleared.

His ability is what makes it is considered a species of harmless enough, but the toxicity are not considered lethal. even so toxic that possessed this kind of dangerous for children and people who are allergic to these toxins.

Striped bark scorpion scorpion, Centruroides vittatus
Type: Opportunistic Burrower
Origin: North America
Size: 5-7 cm
Temperament: aggressive pretty

Like most other scorpions, this species is also easily found around their habitat. But because of its proximity with humans, this type (although not aggressive) quite often harm humans. The sting is very painful.

For some people can occur for 15-20 minutes and not infrequently up to 2-3 days. but this type is rarely causing death, some reports suggest that this type are responsible for the death of some people, but it's all still being debated.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Animals wild animals by the bite of the deadliest in the world

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Animals wild animals by the bite of the deadliest in the world
Here is a list of pet animals with the most powerful bite in the animal kingdom Animal Cannibal version. Animal below is known to have teeth grip strength outstanding, can even kill anyone in gigitnya.

Although he has the nickname "king of the forest" are actually lions have never lived in the forest. Lions are the only social cats in the world. They were so cooperative when they hunt this may be one reason why they have evolved to have a bite of the weakest of the other big cat species. Another reason may be that their hunting habits, strangle their prey by biting his trachea, do not have a need for a strong bite.

Is the largest species of the big cat family types. Tiger bite is stronger when compared with lion bite.

Just as lions hyenas are social animals that hunt in groups, hyena bites a strong bite in the animal kingdom.

North American subspecies of the brown bear is known for its size and aggression outstanding. Despite its large size, a grizzly can run up to 56 km / h. Grizzlies mostly eat fruit and nuts but do not hunt. Yellowstone National Park they have observed and filmed hunting wild game.

Gorilla in karuniai jaw and neck muscles are very strong can chew bamboo with ease.

Gorillas usually synonymous with large animals are rough and scary but in recent years his image has changed with a "gentle giant." They are our closest relatives after chimpanzees, and their numbers are shrinking rapidly, with only 700 mountain gorillas left in the wild.

Hippopotamus is one of the most feared animals in Afrika.memiliki weight up to 1.5 to 3 tons. He belonged to an animal that aggressive and attacking anyone who bothered him.

Jaguar has the strongest bite force of the cat lain.Jaguar types of big cats is an animal that lives in the forest habitat so that it is suitable if he is referred to as the king of the jungle. In contrast to the relative lions and tigers that hunt their prey by biting the neck, jaguar hunting by means of biting the head of its prey.

Crocodile included in the family Crocodylidae and has similarities with alligators and gharial.
This species is believed to be descended from dinosaurs and is the largest reptile in the world.
Crocodiles also one of the oldest living things on earth and is known to have inhabited this planet for over 200 million years.

Video: How Reaction Wilds When Faced with a mirror?

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Video: How Reaction Wilds When Faced with a mirror?
A photographer to experiment with wild animals in the forest Gabon. He put a giant mirror in the middle of the forest to observe the reactions of animals. The video has been clicked on more than 20 million times.

The ability to recognize themselves in a mirror image is not normal for all living things. Humans, for example, can only do so at around the age of 18 months to two years.

Not many creatures that have this capability. Besides humans, as well as dolphins, chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas, and bonobos.

Cats and dogs were regarded as intelligent animals, can not realize that the reflection they see is not from the other animals.

Even gorillas should be able to recognize themselves in a mirror, can be confused when he saw his reflection in the mirror for the first time. It looks at the video tape French photographer Xavier Hubert Brierre.

Brierre install a giant mirror in sharing forest sites in Gabon. Nearby he put a camera hidden in a cardboard box. Many of the animals funny reaction when she saw her reflection.

Chimpanzees recognize in the mirror diriny busy checking out body parts that are usually not seen by them in the mirror.

Or leopard that has instinct to attack the reflection he sees in the mirror.
Researchers have long been interested in animals reaction when confronted with a mirror. "Mirror Test" or the mirror test was first developed by Gordon Gallup Jr. in 1970.

A method is applied to test whether animals have the ability to recognize his own reflection.
How: animal stamped on its body color. When confronted with a mirror, the image of animals that can recognize themselves will react by touching the color or even trying to eliminate them.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Overview of the penguins

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Penguin is a species of bird that can not fly, from family Spheniscidae, there are 17 species of penguins and almost all of them breeding in the hemisphere selatan.Nama Penguin believed to derive from the Welsh language "gwyn pen" which means "white kepa" name was originally applied for bird "great auk".

Great auk was a bird that lives hemisphere
north, and to have become extinct in the 19th century, Great auk looks similar to penguin and can not fly, the extinction of the Great auk probably caused by sailors who used it as a food source.

Penguin bone structure is different from birds usually fly, penguins have framework much heavier and stronger, while ordinary birds must have a framework that is as light as possible because it will help to make the flight.

The average bird who can fly is the result of a combination of thin and hollow bones, and have adequate strength and supported with light weight, while the penguin must have a solid framework to counter the buoyancy of the water when diving below the water surface.
Penguin skeleton is very different from other birds especially around furkula and sternum it is due to the different functions of movement between the penguins and birds lainya.Perbedaan bone structure is providing important clues to distinguish fossil penguins and other birds.

The first penguin fossil found is "Palaeeudyptes" were discovered in the 19th century in New Zealand, the fossils were found in rocks about 25 million years old, the largest penguin fossil found pernaah size, equal to the size of a human. Until now there has never been another penguin fossils found in the northern hemisphere.
Overview of the penguins

Apart from the long evolutionary history of species of penguins that exist today are not much changed from their ancestors, they mostly have the upper part of the body black and the bottom is white, it will greatly help to disguise the penguin with the color of the sky when the penguins were swimming when viewed of bawah.Akan but when penguins swim in the deep ocean when viewed from the top of the penguin will be dark color blind.

Penguin had feathers waterproof and interrelated, so as to provide a barrier that is highly effective against water, feathers shut her up so very little air is trapped on each strand of fur, of course it will be very helpful when penguins dive, thus preventing the penguin to float.

When a penguin on land feathers standing upright so as to menyebak layer of warm air that is very useful to provide cool air insulation, other than that penguins have a thick fat deposits under the skin so that their body temperature is maintained.

The foot penguin is not covered by feathers, the penguins can keep the temperature of his feet by flowing warm blood to the legs, when he got in leg blood penguin back cold, then cold blood from the legs is sent again to the body, system vascular This can limit the amount of blood that flows to the fin and the foot so that the temperature of the foot can be maintained at point 6 degrees Celsius despite the body's core temperature reaches 39 degrees Celsius, it can reduce the amount of heat lost during the cold weather, the hot weather the process of vascular this dapaat reversed so as to maintain the body temperature penguin remains stable.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pangolin quadrupeds who do not have teeth

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Pangolin is a four-legged animal has no teeth. Pangolin is unique to Asia. In Indonesia, anteaters live in Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. Pangolin was like to live in tropical forests.

For Food
One of the privileges pangolin is a long snout and tongue once. His tongue can be stretched up to a third of its body length. Wuiiih ... long, yes! In addition to the long, sticky tongue also. Its function is to catch ants and termites, food.
Pangolin quadrupeds who do not have teeth
Pangolin also have strong claws for digging ground dwelling ant. Also to break termite nests. To facilitate the search for food, the pangolin is also very sharp nose.
Anteater is looking for food at night. Yep, indeed pangolin including nocturnal creatures or animals are active at night. As foresail.

For Self Defense
Uh, you know, the name of the mammalian animals that give birth and breastfeed her child? Such as cats, rabbits, guinea pigs. Well, the pangolin is also including mammals. However, in contrast to ruminant animals are usually furry, scaly anteaters actually hard like shields coated.
The shield scales serve as the body's defense.

Pangolin soft body parts exist in the chest and stomach area. If there is danger, hup! The scaly anteater turned the ball hard. Yep, he meringkal into a ball, protecting the soft parts of the body.
Shhh ... tailed pangolin can also be an advanced weapon, lo. Long and hard scaly tail. Imagine if in contact with the blade of his tail! Liftoff!

Of the Tiger, Tiger, Man
Pangolin enemy turns out a lot, lo. Nah wonder, he comes shields and weapons tail scales. The opponent is the tiger, leopard, and the most dangerous is the man!

Reportedly the pangolin meat palatable. Scales hard it can be a drug. Her skin was like made bags. Aduuuh ... pity the anteater! Because often hunted man, pangolins are now threatened with extinction.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fish "Living Fossil" Has Lung

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Fish "Living Fossil" Has Lung
When a fisherman pull coelacanth out of the sea in 1938, the researchers were surprised. Very flaky fish with a lobe that is leftover from the past, a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Scientists have coelacanth fossils that are hundreds of millions of years, and today it is believed that they all had died in the same incident that killed the dinosaurs.

But it turns out some of the coelacanth survive, and scientists have been studying these strange fish for decades. We know that these fish have peculiarities, hinged jaw, stay off the southeastern coast of Africa and in Indonesia, and eat squid and octopus. What we do not know is that this fish was also to have lungs.

In a study published yesterday in Nature Communications, the researchers found that, like its predecessor, namely their fossils, modern coelacanth also have a structure such as the lungs. Lungs are present in the embryo, but stop developing when the fish grow, so it is difficult to see unless you know what you are looking for (and you have access to a high-powered X-rays).

Scientists know that the fossil coelacanth has this strange organ but this time they thought the lungs was gone as species change over the years. Although coelacanth have lungs, it does not mean they can breathe with it. The authors found that the lungs of non-functional stretcher, or the rest of the organ.
Fish "Living Fossil" Has Lung
Coelacanth vestigial lungs at different stages of development.

Typically, the fish do not have lungs, they use gills instead. One of the few exceptions is the lungfish, which can modify their bladder (usually used for buoyancy) into organs of respiration

The researchers believe that the presence of the lung may indicate that the coelacanth ancestors may have lived in shallow waters with low oxygen levels, as opposed to the environment they prefer at the moment, namely the deep sea.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sea King Crab Giant Crab yummiest

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You a fan of crab? If you're a fan of crab then you should know that there is kind of a giant edible crab and called the most delicious coming from Alaska. His name Alaskan king crab or Alaskan King Crab.
Sea King Crab Giant Crab yummiest

Alaskan king crab is the most delicious kind of crabs in Alaska. There are three types of crab are available there, the red king crab, blue king crab and king crab gold.

Seafood in Alaska is famous for cooking crabs and crab in Alaska is the most amazing experience. In addition to crabs, clams Alaska is also very famous.

Alaskan King Crab weighs about 10 kg, but some can reach up to 25 kilograms and a length up to 10 feet. Although originally from Alaska, the crab is also often called King Crab is also often called Japanese crab. Snow white flesh with a smooth outer edge of the bright red, so it is the right choice for an entree when a party or dinner.

To get this Alska king crab, one must lure. Although there are very short fishing season, but for the experts can certainly catch a lot of crabs in a short time. So interestingly, even more people are interested to watch as lovers of the crab catch prey.

Currently, suppliers of frozen crab from Alaska widely available in the international market. Even seafood from Alaska most widely consumed by Americans. Now easy to find seafood from Alaska online and even you also can order the famous king crab, but note also know the cost of shipping.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Megalodon Shark and Dangerous World

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Megalodon Shark and Dangerous World
This is the biggest giant Shark most vicious and dangerous in the world. Giant megalodon shark species have become extinct so-called estimated surviving. This is because many video recordings that claim sightings of the giant animals. One is the latest footage taken in 2015 from the Mariana Trench, the deepest trench in the world. Robot camera carrier that was sunk in the sea shows the giant creatures.

According to Wikipedia, Megalodon was a giant shark that has a length of between 14 to 18 meters with a diameter of 120 millimeters pointed teeth and an estimated life of about 28 to 1.5 million years ago.

Megalodon name first appeared after an expert from Switzerland named Louis Agassiz successfully identified in 1835. The Latin name of this animal is Carcharodon megalodon shark meaning monster. News spread, although this shark has never been found alive, many scientists believe that this shark is still alive, and includes a living fossil.

Far exceeding the size of the megalodon shark whale (whale shark) which is the largest fish in the world who live in the present length is only reaching 15 m. However, the size of the Megalodon remains smaller than the largest animal in the world, the blue whale whose length reaches 33 M.

Food megalodon are whales, dolphins, turtles and other marine animals. The strength of teeth that can crush the shells of turtles with ease. The shark is a predator best ever, backed by the strength, speed and teeth.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The characteristics of poisonous frogs and the kind of America

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Forests, it does not only produce the kinds of beautiful plants, but also the kinds of fauna is very interesting to be maintained, including poisonous frogs are known to have exotic colors.

Frogs are small animals that live in watery places, swamps, fields, and lakes. Amphibians appropriate when it looked dirty and disgusting. But do not be surprised if you see a small frog from the tropical forests of Central America and South America it has the charm of a variety of colors and very interesting.

Complementary Weapons of War

The characteristics of poisonous frogs and the kind of America
This little frog is also known as poison frog or poison arrow frog. Why say that? Because, the animal's body is covered with poison. The poison in the interior United States, particularly by the American Indians of the Amazon and Colombia is widely used as fill dart or javelin (spear) as a weapon for hunting or fighting, so the frog is often touted as the poison dart frog and poison arrow frog.

Frog or toad loved by hobbyists in the United States, 65 species belonging to the family Dendrobatidae of about 175 species exist. Family Dendrobatidae not only frog that actually toxic and produce their own toxins in the skin, but also the rocket frogs (genus Colostethus which consists of approximately 110 species), and the frog that has a foul odor (skunk frog).

Family Dendrobatidae a tropical frog that has a relationship with the family Leptodactlidae, one of the large family of frogs America. Family Dendrobatidae also known as tree frogs (Hylidae family) looked at his fingertips. Although all of these frogs tend to have the dish on his fingertips, on Dendrobatidae each fingertip has two protruding parts, called scutes, a trait that can facilitate the hobbyists distinguish with other types.

Poisonous frogs are some of them very pretty with beautiful color combination covering his body, including red, yellow, green and even blue. Frogs are active during the day is often perform malicious activity and are in open areas and can be easily spotted by predators snakes, birds, and small mammals.

Frog rocket least mamiliki color, and toxins in the skin was less clear. Actually, it is a frog that has a very strong poison tend to have very bright colors.

Colors like it actually become 'alarm' for the predators that they are not pleasant to eat. The notification of color known as aposematic, scientifically and occur in several different types of animals, especially in the tropics. This causes poisonous frogs have few predators that could eat it. For example, if a snake bit him, then direct the snake will release him (spit out) and scales rub his lips on the ground while feeling really sick from poison frogs.
The characteristics of poisonous frogs and the kind of America
The existence of toxins in the skin scientifically to maintain their survival, and they can meet their food supply with active prey at any time. Males can set the region to attract female frogs. Male frogs typically lead in adult frogs group (eg Harlequin poison frog can live a long life of about 9 years), in particular to protect the eggs and occasionally tadpoles (tadpole).

Frog females of most species can spawn every winter or in other words every year, so that it can develop poisonous frog with a number of very amazing in suitable habitats. Some species can be maintained over the population in a few years when developed and can be "harvested" as pets.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Bear poles and global Effect

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Bear poles and global EffectPolar Bears (Ursus maritimus) is a bear species found inhabiting areas of ice in the Arctic Ocean. The polar bear is the world's largest bear species, weighing bear males can reach 600kg. Considered to be closely related to the Brown Bear (Brown Bear), the polar bear is also often referred to as "Bear Sea (Sea Bear)" because it is known not only spend a lot of time close to the beach, but also a strong swimmer and is able to look up to 100 miles of ice nearby or the mainland. The existence of polar bears heavily influenced by global warming because their habitats are composed of ice will disappear if global warming continues. Therefore polar bears became a potent symbol of the impact of climate change. The population of Polar Bear also has declined dramatically in Arctic Ocean due to poaching, pollution and drilling of oil and gas that causes them endangered.

Adult polar bears can reach more than two meters high and weighing about half a ton. While the weight of female polar bears are much lighter than the male bear can weigh twice as much weight. The polar bear is one of the few large mammals are found to have adapted well to survive in the glacier. Their thick fur, long and dense growing on a hollow tube that is useful sabagai absorbing heat from the sun to warm themselves. Polar bears have a strong body and muscular with broad front legs which help them when swimming in the water. Hair that is at the bottom of their feet not only help keep their feet warm but also facilitate the polar bear as it moves on the ice. They have a very long neck compared with other bear species that allow their heads to remain above water while swimming. They also have a longer snout and ears are smaller than their relatives other bears.

Polar bears are found in the coastal ice surrounding the North Pole and South along the Hudson Bay. Approximately 60% of the polar bear can be found in northern Canada and the rest are all over Greenland, Alaska, Svalbard and Russia. The polar bear population has fallen drastically with their biggest threat is global warming. Although polar bears are accustomed to seasonal changes in the Arctic circle, but after its global warming, the melting of ice in the summer is greater from year to year. This means that the polar bear will lose their natural habitat. In addition to global warming, perburan and pollutants contaminating the water around their habitat are also contributing to the drop in the population of polar bears.

Polar bears are solitary animals (solitary) that not only can run at speeds up to 25 meters per hour but also the ability of swimming strong up to 6 meters per hour making it a top predator in the environment. Semi-aqautic mammals are able to hunt well on the ice and in the water and have been known to swim in the vast distances in the open ocean in search of food. Polar bears can dive under water to catch prey, which they do by keeping their eyes open and holding their breath for up to two minutes. On land, they tend to hunt using two main techniques, namely the pursuit of their prey or wait to sit beside the nest hole seals up for hours to catch seals appear. Eat seals is vital to the survival of polar bears because the meat seals capable of providing high energy intake.

Polar bears tend to breed in the spring between April and May with a gestation period varies (depending on the health of females). After 9 months of pregnancy, females give birth to between 1 and 4 children in the nest that they had dug into the snow or soil. Polar bear cub can weigh more than half a kilo when they are born. Polar bear cub also own hair and can not see. Female enters the nest towards the end of autumn and will come out when it has turned into spring. Although the polar bear cub has been able to start eating solid foods when they are about 5 months old, they are not separated by their mothers until the age of 2 to 3 years.

The polar bear is the largest terrestrial carnivorous mammals and must hunt regularly to ensure their food reserves sufficient to maintain the insulating layer of fat to keep warm. Skin and fat from the seals are fine dining polar bears. The polar bear is also often seen leaving the remaining meat becomes important food source for other animals such as Arctic fox. Although seals are the main source of their food, polar bears also eat birds, fruits, fish and deer (especially during the summer months) and with occasional Walrus. Carcasses of large marine mammals including walrus and even the Pope also provide a source of food for polar bears. With their sense of smell is excellent, they were able to sniff out food from a considerable distance. Polar bears are also known to get into the nest underground seals to hunt.

Because polar bears merpuakan large predators and fierce, no animals that prey on them in the environment around them. One of the threats polar bears are humans because they have a voracious hunt polar bears from their arrival in the Arctic Ocean in the 1600s until the mid-1970s. But now, the ban on hunting has been applied. Glacier is very important for the survival of polar bears. The melting glacier caused by climate change, have a major impact on reducing the polar bear population. In addition, the polar bear has a relatively slow rate of reproduction. Some experts claim that polar bears could be extinct in the wild within 30 years.

Before entering the harsh winter and even, the polar bear females dig their own nest in the snow where they will hibernate (winter sleep) during ber months (and where they give birth to their child) and will only reappear in the spring. Nest polar bears are known to forty degrees warmer than outside. However, male polar bear seems to prefer to be active throughout the year. The polar bear has a layer of fat under their skin which can be up to 4 inches thick to help them to keep warm. They are actually very well insulated, that the polar bear must move slowly for most of the time so they do not overheat. Polar bears will be knocked out of their fur in the summer. It causes the fur of polar bears look more white in the early autumn. Sedagnkan in the spring, their fur coat looks more yellow. The yellow color in the can of oil seals they eat.

Currently, the polar bear has been listed in the 'Red List' IUCN as endangered species. Although an international hunting ban has been set, but the hunting of polar bears is still rife. Conservation efforts in the Arctic Circle became difficult because the original habitat of the polar bear (glacier) that were increasingly shrinking due to global warming. Increased levels of industrial activity in their natural environment also led to a decrease in the quality of their remaining habitat. It is estimated that between 20000-25000 polar bears are still left with the majority of these are found in northern Canada.

Rüppell's Vulture, Birds Fly Able Highest in the World

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Rüppell's Vulture, Birds Fly Able Highest in the WorldRüppell's Vulture bird or Rüppell's Griffon Vulture is a species of vulture big body who live in the Sahel region, Central Africa. Rare bird that has the Latin name Gyps rueppellii is also known by the name of Rüppell's Griffon, Rueppell's Griffon, Rüppell's Griffin Vulture, Rueppell's Vulture and still there is more.

The name "Rüppell" itself was given to these birds as a form of respect for Eduard Rüppell, an adventurer of the 19th century coming from Germany who was also a collector and zoologist.

Rüppell's Vulture bird known as the bird that could fly the highest in the world. According to the data, a vulture is capable of flying up to penetrate an altitude of 11,000 m above sea level.

Adult birds have a body length of about 85 to 103 cm with a wingspan of approximately 2.26 to 2.6 m, and the weight of 6.4 to 9 kg. Males and females have a similar appearance that has leopard-spotted brown or black all over his fur with a pale brown abdomen. While the head and neck dirty white.

These birds are very social birds. Their usual perches, nesting, and eat together in a large herd. This type of bird can fly up to a speed of 35 km / h and usually they fly up to 150 km from their nest to find food.

Rüppell's Vulture has a special hemoglobin in their blood hemoglobin alphaD, allowing them to utilize oxygen efficiently though they were flying in a high pressure in the troposphere layer of earth. Because the range of flying very high, once there is a case where this bird ingested into a jet engine that was flying over Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire on 29 November1973.

Rüppell's Vulture bird habitat is in dry areas and mountains in Africa, such as in the area of ​​semi-desert or desert suburb. They have very sharp eyesight to find the carcass of a large animal or an animal of prey in action. They will wait until a few days until the carnivorous left the rest of the prey. Actually, this bird also sometimes catch their own prey, but it is very rare.

You could say this bird is quite voracious in food. They will eat meat, offal, skin, even his bones until they are almost not strong fly again because of a glut. However, despite their relatively large body, they are not the dominant predators, because there is still a vulture greater than them in their habitat.

It is estimated that the bird population Rüppell's Vulture is now no more than 30,000 individuals in the wild. In addition, their population was declining every year. One of the main causes is the reduction in habitat.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Apparently dragonfly most danger in Prey

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The species is that of the title as the most powerful predators in the animal kingdom? If you thought it was a lion or a shark species, think back to your answer. Therefore, a recent study showed that the greatest predators in the animal kingdom is the dragonfly.
Apparently dragonfly most danger in Prey

African lion was recorded as carnivores peaks in the food chain. However, the big cat is only able to capture 25 percent of the total prey they pursue. Great white sharks fared little better luck. Top predators in the ocean with 300 gear cutter is successful only half of the total catch prey they hunt.

Dragonfly, on the contrary, looks tiny, shimmering, and is known as the insects are harmless. Even dragonflies, along with butterflies and ladybugs, grouped in a list of preferred insects humans.

However, behind the appearance of "friendly" it, dragonfly air proved to be a very voracious predator. Recent research conducted by a team of scientists at Rutgers University in the United States shows, dragonfly hunting a most brutal and effective in the animal kingdom.

The team of scientists noted, dragonfly capable of capturing almost all their prey with a success rate reached 95 percent. Even dragonfly often eat prey while still fly, without having to bother alighted onto the leaves or twigs.

"Dragonflies will tear up the body of the prey and continues to chew up the form clots before they swallow," said Michael L. Mei, a professor emeritus of entomology at Rutgers, as quoted New York Times, Tuesday, April 2, 2013.

Dragonfly appetite practically endless. Stacey Combes, a biomechanics researcher at Harvard University who studies how to fly dragonfly, dragonfly never witnessed an experiment in the laboratory eating fruit flies out 30 in a row. "Dragonflies will continue to eat as long as there is food," he said.

A number of studies published recently have uncovered the key features of the brain, eyes, and dragonfly wings that allow the insects that hunt their prey without hesitation. One study showed, dragonfly nervous system displays almost the same capacity as humans, especially for selective attention. That is, the dragonfly is able to focus on a single prey being targeted, although prey that fly in the midst of another swarm of flying insects.

Other researchers have identified the existence of some sort of center contains 16 circuits of nerve cells that connect the brain to the motor center dragonfly flying in the chest. A set of the nervous system allows the dragonfly can track a moving target, calculate the trajectory to intercept the target, and subtly adjust the flight path to capture the target.

Robert M. Olberg from Union College, who reported his research in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, found evidence that dragonflies path intercept prey sailors used similar tricks. With the myriad eyes, the dragonfly can predict the direction of flying prey, including the angle and speed, then the estimate of flying alone to capture the prey. Dragonflies know when to slow down, speed up, and fly deviate.

Dragonflies belong to different hunting technique to that done by most predators. Combes had thought dragonfly actively pursue their prey, like a lion chasing its prey. However, it is not. "It was more like an ambush predation. Dragonflies are coming from the direction which is not recognized by their prey," he said.

Dragonflies including sophisticated flying insects. They can hover in the air, diving in the water, fly backward and upside down, rotating 360 degrees with three wings and reach speeds of 30 miles per hour - incredible for a arthropods.

Dragonfly wings is also different from other types of insects. In most insects, the wing is a simple extension of the thoracic and moved as a special unit to stretch across the chest.

However, the dragonfly has four transparent wings that ultrafleksibel and attached to the thorax by a separate muscle. Each wing can maneuver independently, allowing dragonflies perform various flight maneuvers. "A dragonfly can lose the whole wings and could still catch prey," said Combes.

Reptile that can change color

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Chameleons one reptile animals fame with the ability to change color, frankly I personally feel amused that should hold a reptile's, but because of the many permaintaan email me so that I review also about a chameleon (there was also that maintaining this reptile?) Because my knowledge animal bit skimpy on this one, so I immediately seraching on the internet in search of writing and I get some, following the results of the hunt me about a chameleon.

Chameleon is one of the most famous reptiles, especially in indigenous areas of Africa and Madagascar, found in few other places in Europe and Asia. There are more than 120 species belonging to the chameleon family. The most common chameleon found in the Mediterranean region. Interestingly many do not know that the translation of the 'chameleon' is 'Earth Lion / Little lion' (I am just confused reptile rich gini kok given the term Small Lion?) There are some other facts about the chameleon which I found quite interesting.

Physical -Atribut
Chameleon has a laterally flattened body based. The main physical features on the chameleon is that they like to have decoration other than a natural color and a sharp, Having peaks, spikes and horns and protruding eyes. Their eyes have a unique quality, namely that they can rotate independently. In the sense that while one eye looking forward, the other one can see another learah simultaneously (I want to have that rich so ..). It helps them to remain vigilant in their surroundings and aware of the danger. Their ability is known as the best of their ability, and is often called the 'binoculars' nature.

Chameleons have one toe, which can be found on the side of his leg. This finger acts like a clothespin, and help them to identify the branches of trees where they roost. They feature bright colors and they are long and sticky tongue, which is necessary for them to detect and even catch their prey. They walked in the branch is very slow and barely able to run fast despite seeing demons, they have sharp claws that help them to hold on to and rise to the surface of the tree. Adult chameleon shed their skin every 4-5 months.

Chameleon has two small holes for the ears, which is located near the eye and can not be seen with the naked eye. nevertheless they are not deaf, they can hear and feel the vibrations in the air. This helps them avoid the dangers and also helps them to hunt their prey. Chameleons have teeth that help them to bite their food. They use it to destroy and then chew their food, sometimes breaking it into pieces before swallowing it (I think I do not need to discuss this?).

-Habitat Chameleon
The chameleon is being arboreal, meaning they live in trees. It is because of this that they are usually dark green so that they can be camouflaged well with their surroundings. chameleon need water and sunlight to survive. They rarely come down from the tree except to spawn and find prey.

Chameleon fond of insects, they use their tongues to catch insects. Their tongues are the main features of their bodies, because they are designed specifically to function as part of making a living. The tip of their tongue is very long and sticky. And when released, the size can be about one and a half times the length of their bodies. When the chameleon see prey, he will focus on measuring the distance between him and his prey. Then the tip of his tongue will be ejected and in one quick burst of prey will be caught and it lasted for a split second.

The ability to change the color
Other abilities of these animals is changing his skin color or place of residence in accordance environment. Contrary to popular belief, chameleons do not have the innate ability to change color in accordance with her wishes, external factors such as temperature, danger and emotion (of chameleon) more affect this ability. This chameleon has melanophores inside the body responsible for the color change and they are very sensitive to temperature changes. Their reaction to hot and cold temperatures cause skin discoloration. As well as the condition of fear, and danger of territorial instincts will make them change their skin color.