Saturday, October 17, 2015

Facts about Sea Horses

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Sea horses belonging to the genus hippocampus seahorses because they are called head shape tend to be similar to the horse on the ground, hippocampus means, hippos = horse head, campus = Marine animals
Facts about Sea Horses
Sea Horses

These are 13 interesting facts about sea horses:

Sea horse is a fish

Believe it or not they belong to the class of fish, after a debate over a dozen years, due to the fact that they breathe using gills

There are about 53 species of seahorse

According to the national geographic, there are 53 species of seahorses. They range in size from 0.6 inches to 14 inches in length, or about 1.5 cm to 35cm. They are categorized in the family Syngnathidae, which includes pipefish and seadragons.

Seahorse swimmer bad

Seahorses are the only breed of horse that is not having an expectation to be the fastest runner in the oceans, this is because the body shape strange strapping straight and they use fins to swim, they are also able to move upwards, down, right, and left, although all it is done slowly.

Sea horses not racehorses

Do not compare with the sea horse horses land where they can run 76 km, while their sea horse was very bad in terms of escape, many of them killed from exhaustion and sank to the seabed.

Sea horse king camouflage

God's infinite justice, the sea horse is not a fast swimmer but seahorses including one marine animal that has the best defense. Their defense in the form of camouflage, which means that they disguise themselves with their surroundings and they usually live or settle in a place that allows for a camouflaged sea horses well.

many of them have a shape and color as the surrounding environment, such as sea grass, coral, foliage until transparent. and when they have found a suitable habitat, they will bind themselves to use its tail, not smart?

Seahorses have a harness

Sea horses can be regarded as one of the fish with the best armor, the shape of the bone they are likely to boxes and have skeletons are quite complex, even the hands of a male adult may not be able to destroy the harness horse sea when sea horses in the dry state after death ,

Sea horses spread around the world

Sea horses tend to live in shallow tropical and subtropical waters, they tend to live in shallow waters because they are bad in swimming. Seahorses average residing around mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass beds. Sea horses are not enough experts in the waters that will make them vulnerable to predators and ocean currents.

Seahorses do not have the stomach

Sea horses are animals that are very greedy, they do not have a container of food that causes food just passing and sea horses must eat continuously every day or they will not last long. Seahorses are carnivorous they eat zooplankton and small shrimps, long snout is used to suck his victims.

Sea horses have no teeth

Sea horse is a fish that has no teeth, no wonder because they only eat zooplankton and tiny shrimps or prawns rebon.

Sea horse is a fish that is faithful

According to experts seahorse lives only with one partner, and they almost touch throughout the year, the sea horse is a fish that is monogamous and faithful.

The male bear children

The male is one fish that gentle, those who gave birth to the child and not the female, even though it violates the laws of nature. The male is not one hundred percent give birth to a child.

The process begins when there is a marriage where the females during the mating process insert eggs into the bag contained in the male sea horse's chest, until about a few weeks after the process of fertilization by the male sperm and the incubation process, tiny sea horse was born.

Seahorses are vulnerable to extinction

Since the first sea horse has been hunting for recipes china about the efficacy of a sea horse has caused a decline in the level of the sea horse population almost throughout the world. On the other side of the ocean exploitation and various kinds of pollution activities also contributed to the decline in the population of seahorses.

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