Chameleons one reptile animals fame with the ability to change color, frankly I personally feel amused that should hold a reptile's, but because of the many permaintaan email me so that I review also about a chameleon (there was also that maintaining this reptile?) Because my knowledge animal bit skimpy on this one, so I immediately seraching on the internet in search of writing and I get some, following the results of the hunt me about a chameleon.
Chameleon is one of the most famous reptiles, especially in indigenous areas of Africa and Madagascar, found in few other places in Europe and Asia. There are more than 120 species belonging to the chameleon family. The most common chameleon found in the Mediterranean region. Interestingly many do not know that the translation of the 'chameleon' is 'Earth Lion / Little lion' (I am just confused reptile rich gini kok given the term Small Lion?) There are some other facts about the chameleon which I found quite interesting.
Physical -Atribut
Chameleon has a laterally flattened body based. The main physical features on the chameleon is that they like to have decoration other than a natural color and a sharp, Having peaks, spikes and horns and protruding eyes. Their eyes have a unique quality, namely that they can rotate independently. In the sense that while one eye looking forward, the other one can see another learah simultaneously (I want to have that rich so ..). It helps them to remain vigilant in their surroundings and aware of the danger. Their ability is known as the best of their ability, and is often called the 'binoculars' nature.
Chameleons have one toe, which can be found on the side of his leg. This finger acts like a clothespin, and help them to identify the branches of trees where they roost. They feature bright colors and they are long and sticky tongue, which is necessary for them to detect and even catch their prey. They walked in the branch is very slow and barely able to run fast despite seeing demons, they have sharp claws that help them to hold on to and rise to the surface of the tree. Adult chameleon shed their skin every 4-5 months.
Chameleon has two small holes for the ears, which is located near the eye and can not be seen with the naked eye. nevertheless they are not deaf, they can hear and feel the vibrations in the air. This helps them avoid the dangers and also helps them to hunt their prey. Chameleons have teeth that help them to bite their food. They use it to destroy and then chew their food, sometimes breaking it into pieces before swallowing it (I think I do not need to discuss this?).
-Habitat Chameleon
The chameleon is being arboreal, meaning they live in trees. It is because of this that they are usually dark green so that they can be camouflaged well with their surroundings. chameleon need water and sunlight to survive. They rarely come down from the tree except to spawn and find prey.
Chameleon fond of insects, they use their tongues to catch insects. Their tongues are the main features of their bodies, because they are designed specifically to function as part of making a living. The tip of their tongue is very long and sticky. And when released, the size can be about one and a half times the length of their bodies. When the chameleon see prey, he will focus on measuring the distance between him and his prey. Then the tip of his tongue will be ejected and in one quick burst of prey will be caught and it lasted for a split second.
The ability to change the color
Other abilities of these animals is changing his skin color or place of residence in accordance environment. Contrary to popular belief, chameleons do not have the innate ability to change color in accordance with her wishes, external factors such as temperature, danger and emotion (of chameleon) more affect this ability. This chameleon has melanophores inside the body responsible for the color change and they are very sensitive to temperature changes. Their reaction to hot and cold temperatures cause skin discoloration. As well as the condition of fear, and danger of territorial instincts will make them change their skin color.
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