Thursday, September 24, 2015

Recognize characteristics Pregnant Rabbits

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Recognize characteristics Pregnant RabbitsRabbits are animals with a remarkable reproducibility. Janganka time in a year, a female can give birth to children rabbit five times. In a time period contains, rabbits can contain more than one baby because the uterus or womb more than one and allows for the occurrence of multiple impregnations. One doe able to produce 5 to 15 baby rabbits. For breeders, of course it is very profitable. Rabbits that are pregnant require serious attention so that he bladder healthy baby. But not everyone can recognize the rabbits were pregnant. If you're raising rabbits, it could not hurt to understand the characteristics of pregnant rabbits. Who knows tomorrow you are interested in to make your family's rabbits economic crutch.

Pregnancy Rabbits

After you mating male and female rabbits for 7 days, usually the fetus in the womb of the females begin to grow. But pregnancy within 7 days can not be detected because the characteristics unclear. Only in the age of day 14, the characteristics of pregnant rabbits can be detected. The characteristics of pregnant rabbits were intended is as follows:

  • Rabbits who are pregnant no longer willing to be mated with male rabbits and even some females tend to be fierce in male rabbits.
  • In the mouth looks rosy
  • The female easily become stressed and even to undermine its own cage. Usually, if released in the wild, he will be digging the ground. Some farmers have given sometimes at the gestational age of 17 days but actually it is not necessary. You can put it in the box at gestational age above the 25th day.
  • Rabbits that are pregnant will always feel hungry so it appears that increased their consumption patterns. You must be vigilant and make sure he does not lack of food. For if he usually rabbit food shortages will be more stressed and become cannibals. Shortages of feed and beverages also will make the milk quality is not optimal.
  • Gestation stepping on the 17th day, you can already feel the belly of the female. Her belly is already showing signs of the baby.
  • When he was aged 23 days to 29 days, the mother began to appear frequently upset and nose appear more red. Meanwhile abdomen without palpable will look bloated.
  • Rabbits usually give birth at the age of 28 to 34 days. In this period he will look very uneasy. Tuga make sure you are comfortable cage for he occupied bear his children.
  • Rabbits are about to give birth normally bristles will experience loss.

What Should You Do?
After understanding the characteristics of pregnant rabbits, you certainly need some action. For, just as Manusa, rabbits who are pregnant also require special perlakuna. In addition to food, you also need to meet the needs of its cage. Make sure he gets the best as a base enclosure where she put her baby. Most pregnant rabbit rabbit breeders give them with a box or a box with soft pad for the baby. Another thing that you should look at is the age ke35 to 34 days, you should reduce your intensity mengengok the mother rabbit. For he is undergoing a phase where it is easy to feel stressed and consider you as a threat. After she gave birth too, preferably in the first two weeks you limit yourself to connect with rabbit. Just make sure the food and drink are met.

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