For you lovers of birds is certainly familiar with the name of the bird lovebird. Yes, lately very much lovebird bird fans. Not only from the beauty of form and color as well as the chirping of his course, the bird is also fun if we keep up to spawn.
Lovebird physically have an average height of 13 to 17 cm and an average weight of 40 to 60 grams, short-tailed and large beaks. Lovebird is one of nine species of birds Genus Agapornis (from the Greek word "agape" which means "love" and "ornis" which shall mean "bird").
They named lovebird as seen from their behavior, generally likes to sit close together and love each other. Even supposedly said, if the pair of lovebird is dead, do not take a long time the only couple will also die. Really pair lively semati deh, because these birds to mate fidelity was then naming lovebird be appropriate at this bird lifestyle.
Now this lovebird many kept to the sound of birds included race. Lovebird does have a distinctive voice and long, with a very beautiful fur anyway.
There are many types of lovebird, including love bird head of gray (Madagascar), lovebird red face, lovebird black wings (Abinisia), lovebird black collar, face salem, sunglasses, goggles mask, glasses nyasa, until the glasses cheeks black.
Before you start raising lovebird, we should first distinguish between male and female. In color and physical, lovebird difficult for unknown gender. Well, the easiest way is to palpate both shrimp claws located under their anus. If loud, tight and sharp, usually males. While the female bird claws shrimp soft, wide and blunt.
To start raising lovebird, we must choose the candidate parent who is still relatively young age, about 7 months to 2.5 years. Because if the age is more than three years, is usually not very productive.
To be able to make lovebird longer in working life, there is another way.
Ie add extra food, such as cabbage, sprouts, sunflower seeds and corn to trigger the spirit of birds in eager desire to females. With good care, lovebird can live 10 to 20 years.
Love bird breeding should be done individually. This is done so that we can more easily determines the lineage of the bird. For one pair of lovebird use cages measuring about 40 cm x 40 cm x 80 cm. Nesting and brood, prepare glodok or nest boxes made of boards with a thickness of 2 cm and measuring 15 cm x 20 cm x 25 cm. Then filled with dried corn husks, sawdust and others. Furthermore, in order to let the birds make their own nests.
Lovebird generally lay 4-6 eggs and dieramkan for 21 to 23 days. After hatching, the male and female lovebird feeding her child until the child turns birds can feed themselves. If lovebird breeders do not want to care for their children, then we must prepare places (box) with a size of about 40cm x 40cm x 40cm and given a 5-watt light bulb as warmers.
For food, we prepare for the baby milk porridge mixed with warm water and administered every 2 hours. After 3-4 weeks old, we are introduced to other foods, such as millet, fruits and vegetables. So the mother could return reproduce, the chicks are able to feed themselves soon transferred to another cage.
Lovebird is very easy to adjust to changes in the environment, barker and fighters. When hearing the sound of birds other lovebird or see bird, the spirit of direct combat raged.
Then, lovebird is also an easy bird tame. Because of its adaptability is high, it is easy to tame these birds to humans.
Furthermore, stress is not easy, because it has hundreds of bird species breeding in humans. Lovebird enjoys a cool environment and colonize and groups.
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